Friday, September 6, 2013


Yay, it's Friday again! This week has been really hectic 'cos I kept pushing myself to reach my target to finish Biology but I'm far away from that, and I feel as bad as I'm close to death of being suffocated with the pressure. Okay, I sound pretty lifeless on my blog now 'cos I talk too much about studies. Last Sunday, my dad dropped me at Pacific Coffee before ze family headed for grocery shopping. Ordered hazelnut cappuccino and I guess I'm already addicted to it because the fragrance of the roasted beans is just overly attached to my nostrils, HAH. I almost managed to finish the whole book of Physics but in the end I failed terribly and realized that it was time to start another subject. Otherwise, I would most probably be stuck at the same subject forever, haih. I think I seriously need a study counselor to monitor me all the time, pftsh. Other than all these craps that are getting more and more boring than ever, I've started using soundcloud and thought it was pretty fun to share my voice, and of course, to listen to what others want to convey through their voice too! So yea, if you're really lifeless and don't mind getting your eardrum hurt a little, do click on that small widget at the side over there (pointing to your right hand side) and go create an account too so that we can have fun all night together ;) !

Gotta try out some dresses at home before going for crazy shopping after trials. 
For both, Grad and Prom.
Kill me now :( . 

Delicious homemade famous amos cookies on Monday from a special girl :) !

Mooncake festival is finally around the corner, again! I've always loved this special festival because I can't get my hands away from the moocakes, they're just too delicious! I remember how we used to celebrate mooncake festival every year at our backyard, eating mooncakes under the shining moon, playing with candles of different colours and sharing our stories and laughter under the dazzling stars, while there would be children playing with candles arranged in a shape in the park whose beauty of the brightness was able to be seen from our place. To be frank, I quite miss all those that used to be so important to us, it was something that we would never miss out, never in a year. However, as we grow up, as technology has surpassed everything that used to occupy so much of our life, they seemed to have been thoroughly forgotten. It's a bit too sad when you come to think about it, don't you think so? Haha, so as sad as it seems, at least we never forget to exchange mooncakes, and of course, who WHO in my family would even forget to get me snowskin mooncakes that I would DIE for? Here are some cute little mini mooncakes from Aunty Michelle that look like cake pops to me! -too much of baking in mind ei?- How could I even resist it? Especially the shanghai mooncake omg :D !

On Thursday night, I found my three little old violins in my mom's cabinet while looking for something and I realized my violins actually grow up with me too, in size and also in sound quality! I remember the first day when I had the chance to grasp hold on a brand new violin, it seemed so unfamiliar to me. But now everything changed, the violin has become a part of my soul. I don't know why but I got a little nostalgic when I found these 3 violins that I did not notice was left aside for god knows how long. They're truly valuable :) , really. 

Had my transporter drop me at Pacific Coffee again after school today. 
Ordered Macadamia Chocolate cookie and didn't like it :( . 
Oh well, hazelnut cappuccino FTW!

After being numb of getting fooled for too long,
my heart has become so brittle 
that it could have been made of bones.


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