So on the day before yesterday, while me and son were facebooking, my phone rang. When I picked it up, that person said 'Hello. I'm MeiXian'. And I was like 'Wow hi, I'm ... shocked'. She said I had to go to school yesterday. Of course, I was going to scream already. She said that was a really vital issue as we had to meet the publisher and confirm with her about our mag's printings. See, my day was totally ruined. I told her that I couldn't go 'cos I would be having an outing with my friend. She said 'I don't care. I don't wanna hear any of your excuses. I just wanna see you tomorrow. And the meeting will be at 9. It won't bother you going to the outing at all'. Oh gosh! I told her I don't wanna be the next editor but she said it is a MUST. OH NO! My future is devastated already! -screaaaaaaams- So I waited 'till my parents came back home to ask them about it. Mummy told me about taking bus, cabs or whatsoever. Daddy remained quiet. I was staring at him, then he spoke 'Can't she tell you earlier? She is very irresponsible' *andblahblah*. But I know it wasn't her fault. The publisher just called her last-minute. I called MeiXian and told her how pissed my father was, then she said I didn't have to go. Hence, I bought a bar of toblerone just now for her. Show Mercy Show Mercy, My Lord! :D
Today is a hyper-ish day! Mummy bought a Canon S90 for me! Ahhhhhhhhh! Mummy wanted to buy DSLR at first, but daddy thinks DSLRs are too professional and I have to learn how to use it. So it is better to buy a digital camera. S90 has manual and auto functions, so NO WORRIES! I can learn BOTH! Thanks mummie. I'm lovin' it. It's awesome. But mummy said I have to wake up at 10am during holidays and weekends, else she'll get my camera prohibited. Well, waking up at 10 is tough to me, HONEST! But I'll try, just to make sure the camera is with me. See, my mom is smart enough. Aha!

Holidays are coming to an end. Blimey! I haven't done my homeworks yet. And I didn't even study at all! Shyt. I promised myself that Imma study so I can remain studying in A class. Man, I seriously need to start studying tomorrow! Please please please. Hope nothing can stop me from doing that. I'll just keep all my gadgets OFF! School starts on Wednesday. And that is the day we will be having skipping rope exam. Oh No. Bless bless friggin' bless me. Just hope I can get like ... 500/600? I don't expect for anything good. Just give me a 500 skips and I'll be totally satisfied! Tall humans skipping up and down is thoroughly eccentric. *hates* D: Shyt facebook notifications. So annoying. Aihh.
the albus family dun include ur dad and mum oledi lar....
no lah mummie! cos u dah balik kampung. nxt time you're sooo soooo coming with us <3 muaxxxxx
OMGGGG. i wan ur camera!!!!. i wan DSLR!!!!!
hah. i dont really yearn for DSLR, cos its kinda inconvenient and complicated. but yesterday, mum insisted to buy me a nikon DSLR. luckily dad stopped her. :D
I dun wan DSLR too cuz its too heavy... i'd rather get a MILC...
And all the best abt the whole kcn thingy... the right thing will come when it should come...dun worry too much abt it anyways.
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