Hey 'all! Tomorrow's Malaysia Day. Yeepie, another holiday! But well, I guess I will have to study tomorrow. Class tests are seriously my minds of all chaos. Hmm let me see, I have History, Chinese Literature, KH, Geography and English tests. Why can't they just leave us alone and let us enjoy life? I'm totally stressed up, so yea, here I am, releasing my stress, blogging. My English teacher gave us back our essays today, which the result will be computed into the finals overall marks. I'm a little disappointed with my summary writing. But to sum it up, I'm quite satisfied, though.
Was studying History few hours ago. I hate memorizing their names. They're so alike and long. Hmm ... what to do? I'm a Malaysian and I must know about the history of Malaysia, which is well, forced to do so. I don't find any necessities to do all these stuffs. Now this is the main reason why I always wish to be a student of an international school. At least, they have French classes and others which do not literally bore us so much.
Okie, I have some snapshots of the lunch my mum made for me and Jane yesterday. Love it a lot. It's rare to have lunch like this which is totally home-made by my mum 'cos my maid was the one who prepared it for us, every day. I call it 'The Organic Shells' Curls'. Isn't the name cute enough? Hah! Oh and, my maid called just now! She went like -translated- 'Where's Jane?Where's Dad? Where's Thong?'. Random.

I reached home at 4 just now. Searched for something to eat in the refrigerator and I saw Chocolatessss! I don't love chocolates so much like my sister does. But today, I was like 'Hmm .. Yum .. Yum ..' And only Godiva chocolates could literally reach my heart's content. I hate dark chocolates and milk chocolates. I think they're disgusting. Yikes. I have once experienced eating 90% of Godiva chocolates. There were like 20% of chocolates, 35% of chocolates and so on, until 90%, in the box. Yeah I was dumb. I thought the higher the percentage, the sweeter the chocolate would be. So I took a 90% of chocolate and put it in my mouth. Trust me, I couldn't even tolerate that few seconds of bitterness. It was really indescribable and unbearable. It made my tears trickled out. Call me a dumbo, 'cos I'll admit that I really am/was. :)

Spread your love to everyone
With Godiva :)
-See, I'm so kind that I'm willing to promote it,
will there be any credits for me?-
i miss em much!
GODIVA...wow...famous nice choc.. :)
i love choccsssss!
merrinette: haha i love meatballs a lot!
Kevin: heehee yeap. i love it <3
John: hmmm .. u wan some? LOL
Ken: hahaaha 'indirectly' .. yea for free, how good will that be if we get paid? hoohoo.
Jessy: same here!! XD
Yes, ure dumb. But not so dumb anymore...^^Anyway I really like drk choco...u make me really wanna try d 90% wan leh..HAHA
Haiz...eng...i felt like dying when i saw the paper leh...27/40 boleh mati dy lo...so...2molo, no, 2day MUST STUDY...gambateh 2gether(sounds weird:s)
Anyway r u really gng 2 read 3guo? Cuz i saw u askin LCM 4 summary. tht conversation was LOL
Btw, u learning french might be a GOODDD idea! I can imagine u saying bonjour(since thts one of the 3 french words i knw, the other 2 being La n De)
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