During 2nd recess, I went down to the canteen with my Albus family :) Ate noodles with ChaiHubby. Gasp. I wonder whens the last time I went to the canteen. -grins- After that, Hubby wanted to meet Mr.ShenXiangGui, so we followed her to the office. And trust me, I was completely astonished by MeiXian's abrupt appearance. She held my hand and pulled me in to the office. I was thinking 'Am I kidnapped?' . Apparently, she was taking me to Mr.Daljit. She finally spoke 'You need trainings' . 'What trainings?' . 'You'll be KCN's editor soon' . Jaw dropped, eyes were popping out. Of course, I was really really traumatized. Who would ever expect herself being a future-editor while waiting for someone in the office? 'We will have to discuss 'bout our magazine with the publisher' . Do you really need me? I was alone so I pulled Hubby with me. Since she's also a member of KCN, I don't think it's a big deal skipping classes for it. -heehee-
MeiXian said I have to watch and learn. But I just couldn't concentrate. You see, I have never thought of being a member before, nor have I thought of being an editor. Until when Ms.Caryn wanted me, Jet, TzarMum and TY to join, and they wanted too, I followed. 'Editor' is undoubtedly a prestigious position that controls the entire editorial board. I can seriously tell you umpteen of my feeble. I, am not trustworthy (solely on jobs), punctual, patient and most importantly, I'm only mediocre in English! Stupid hell. In order to save KCN from collapsing under my hands, I shall just tell MeiXian the fact that I seriously need to focus more on studies and not KCN. I shall just give this precious opportunity for others who are longing to be the editor.
After the meeting, it was already the 2nd period after the 2nd recess. -Laughs- We skipped Physics class. Huzzah! I was not playing truant. I had serious business with a publisher weih! :P Teacher, sorry and booyah!

Is still planning for the outing. I don't think YuanSon's plan is working. I think going out for movies will be a better choice. PhuaChuKang The Movie O.R. Inception. The Albus family is still considering + arguing. I've uploaded the trailers and enjoy. Leonardo Dicarpio looks so friggin' nerdy in Inception. I seriously need his Titanic look back :P
I'm a handsome man, with curly hair and errr ... black mole. I wear white shirt black pants and yellow boots. Mummy please come and claim me back at the counter.
Jiayou, you will get better someday! Believe in ur bro! Read more chi bks la... i gt a few interestin one...u can borrow. btw, i agree, let bygones be bygones!
Gd thing u skipped phy...it was overwhelmingly boring. anyways, gd luck with being the "future-editor"!!Dun worry bt it, the final decision wont be made until mx leaves.
Leo being a nerd is a good thing...for nerds like me xDD Wanna watch 2 of these!!!Ask me out when u r plannin 2 watch sis!
and sincerely
Exhaustingly ^ writing,
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