At around 7.30pm, we met up with them in Shah Alam I-city. We ate our dinner in a bistro right in front of the place where all the trees and stuffs with lights were placed at. The food there were bad. I ordered grilled chicken with mushroom sauce and it tasted like grilled chicken with raw mushroom. The other restaurants which could be found there were like KFC and some Malay restaurants. Thorough disappointment I'd say. We were all expecting for something like, a place which provides good restaurants and good environment.
After our dinner, we went around to take some pictures with all the lighted trees and sorts. Honestly, it's got nothing special there. You can actually plant some trees at your yard and light them up. It's just that, they have MORE trees, haha. The pictures do look pretty, but when you get there, you will surely feel disappointed. We actually felt cheated -.- . Oh well, what do you expect? This is Malaysia. When can we ever chase up to the level like in China??
Later, Jane and I went for Snowalk. The others were not interested, so only Jane and I went in. Okay, Snowalk wasn't that bad. In fact, I kinda like it! I mean, WE kinda like it. At first, I thought it would be a typical snowhouse like what you can get in Genting and The Mines. The small and boring snowhouse, remember? The snowhouse in I-city was surprisingly, pretty big and nice too. And it was superbly cold inside. We went in for less than 30 minutes 'cos we were not even in long pants! They had to make sure that the ice inside would not melt right? Okay students, Science now. Ice will only be formed under a temperature below zero degree celcius. Good thing was that Jane and I were wearing our shoes but not our sandals! Also, we were not allowed to bring the camera in, but think about it, WHO WILL ACTUALLY BOTHER, lol :D ? So we got to snap lots of photos in the snowhouse. Oh and, the winter jackets there stinked, ewe.

Sighs. Today is such a boring day. I seriously need something to keep me entertained. YiTeng is currently in China, Gillian is in Singapore and ZhiSan's going to Japan tomorrow. Gawsh, I can't wait for Friday to come so I can as well leave Malaysia to kill time, like finally. Christmas is around the corner. Which means, year 2011 is coming to an end, and soon, I'll be back to my school life. Lifeless huh? Oh well, Jane and I got our x'mas tree set up last week. Hope you'll like it :) . TVB again right now! Goodnight, sleep tight and sweet dreams.

Is not something you postpone for the future;
It is something you design for the present.
It sure looked cold in there. Btw, zhisan in japan!? Hope there's lots of photos XD
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