Goooooooood aftertoon earthlings! I've got so much to say I guess Imma just tell you a part of it. Gawsh I've been waiting for today to come so badly! Tonight, the annual TVB grand awards will be showing on channel WaLaiToi LIVE at 8.30pm! Too bad Sheren Tang did not act in any of the TVB dramas this year so she's not attending. If she does, I will definitely vote for her. For the best actress award, I voted for Myolie Wu, which is so not a good decision to do so. I dislike her BUT if you have ever watched her latest TVB drama, Curse of the Royal Harem, you'll think of hitting a vote for her too. For the best actor award, well, you know me ;) , I voted for Chilam, like duh :D . Haha. Remember, it's showing at 8.30pm on channel 311! Don't miss it!
Last Wednesday, I went to this Jazz Workshop in my music school. Jazz, is not something that everyone will be interested on. In fact, Jazz is more likely appreciated and truly loved by people who were born in the early 20th century. Like what my piano teacher said to me, "Not everyone can play jazz. Only people who were born to play it can play it with the jazzy swing feel". Yea, so I wasn't born to like or even play jazz. Hence, I was bored to hell with Jane over there. It was, boring, haha. The only thing I learned from that workshop is that classical musicians cannot accept the way jazz players perform. Their postures and everything are totally inappropriate. This is what the host told us.
Then on Thursday, I went for swimming lesson in Sun-U residence with Jane, JiaYing and her younger sister, XiaoTeng. I used to learn swimming with Suanne in KDE club when I was standard 2. You cannot believe it, Suanne and I were once the best students amongst all the young swimmers. Unfortunately after a few years, I didn't know how to swim, at all. So my mum, who is a very excellent swimmer, decided to put Jane and I into a swimming lesson. Good thing is that we go for lessons with JiaYing and her sister on Thursdays and Fridays! Our coach on our first day was a man. And and and, HE'S GOT SIX PACKS! And and and, HE'S GOT THE LOOK! Haha, okay stop it. So, the first thing Mr. Hawt (I'll just name him Mr. Hawt :D ) taught us was the right way to kick. Then, breathing. Later on, landing in the water. After that, swimming+breathing. It wasn't really tough for me since I already kind of knew it earlier. It was fun! Especially when both JiaYing and I couldn't stop gasping for air. Haha.
After we had our bath, we took the Sunway shuttlebus to Sunway Pyramid. We put our bag packs into the locker and then we had our lunch in a korean restaurant at Asian Avenue. The noodles I ordered were awesome. Spicey and VERY cheesy! XiaoTeng ordered korean pizza which was not bad too. JiaYing ordered something unknown (to me), haha. Then, off we went for Bimbo Shopping! XiaoTeng was soooo neglected, I'm so so sorry, haha. Just in case you don't know, everytime when JiaYing and I meet up, our shopping spree goes up to this level --> 101% :D . Also, I got Jane a geeky specs as her birthday present just like what she asked for from me. She could have asked for something BETTER -.- . Alright, more stories below!
On Friday, Jane and I were late for swimming lesson by 3 minutes. We continued practising the same thing we learned on Thursday. Then, the coach (not Mr. Hawt) said I was ready for the next step. She taught me Heart Style which was pretty fun :D . Haha. After the lesson, same, bath, then Sunway Pyramid. This time, XiaoTeng went loiter around with Jane so JiaYing and I could go for Bimbo Shopping as much as we could, haha. Oh yea, we bumped into one of my primary school classmates. I was in a shop with JiaYing. I heard someone calling me then when I turned around and looked at him, I turned away 'cos I thought he was calling someone else. Surprisingly, JiaYing went and say 'HI!!!!!' like they were really really close friends, so I thought he was her classmate or whatsoever. Then, JiaYing pulled him to me and he asked 'You don't recognize me?'. I kept thinking and thinking, twisting my brain then something popped out, he's KOK HOONG! A pretty close friend when I was standard 4! Haha. I still can't believe I couldn't recognize him. Firstly, he's grown taller (which is definitely a good thing). Secondly, he's got moustache and looks more manly already! So different. I wonder how much all the others have changed!
Sunway Pyramid is now decorated with Christmas trees, huts, candies, prezzies and sorts! Reminds me that our Christmas tree is not set up yet! Will set it up soon. Oh and, just in case you ask if I have a new ixus camera, hah no, that's Jane's. =skip= Ahh, 3 more days and we can swim again! I'm loving the pool already! Also, we've thought of some activities on this coming Friday! Can't wait! Alright then, stay tuned for my next entry! TVB mode-on right now! Haha. See 'ya :D !

We know we're limited,
But most of us don't realize that
We're able to push out our limitations.
I was at Sunway last week!
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