Was back from the seminar on skills for accompanists in Pastorale just now. Of course, I was forced to go by Ms Yim because they performed one of my exam pieces. No doubt, that sure was a boring seminar. Wasted my 8 hours in that freaking seminar. I was bored to hell in the first section. During the break, me and Joey went down and had our lunch. We were talking about schools, sisters and so forth. Went back up at 12.30 and we were watching a few orchestral performances. Then, back to the seminar. I didn't even give a damn hell concentration to that seminar. Was playing my iTouch and Joey's iPhone as well. You know what? I could spend that 8 hours doing something useful, meaningful, SOMETHING I like! And now, another day has gone. I, had done NOTHING.

Gawsh life after exam is such a bore! D: I'm feeling awkward right now. I have a feeling that I still have tons of works waiting for me to be done but I just can't recall it. I loathe this kind of feeling. It's like playing hide and seek with me. Sighs. Kay back to the topic. Baked chocolate muffins yesterday. I didn't help out a lot 'cos I was watching Ghost Town and mummy said it's time to bake. So I paused it halfway. Still in a rush to continue the movie when I was baking. So I wasn't really in that kinda mood to bake yesterday. The muffins taste good but don't look good at all. We shall get some toppings and decorations next time. I'm gonna buy some chocolate cookies ingredients soon! And and, some decorations as well! Oh yea let me tell you about Ghost Town. I would like to give a rating of 3.5/5. There were a few parts where bored me. Hmm Jane didn't even want to continue watching. But when it came to somewhere near the ending, I started to like it. To sum it up, it's not really that awesome.

Doesn't have any inspiration to blog. Not in a good mood today, though.
Nice muffins girl. I just get hungry whenever I see food :p surfs'up - alvinontherocks.com
looks good :)
alvin: LOL okay then, my fault *grins.
sonny: woopsie :)
zany: thanksss!
muffins!*drool* (:
I want too...i love cakes and muffins too!!
eve: hahaha out of stockk! :P
zhuanyuanson: sighs .. i'll tell u if u ask wad happened ... heehee im okay.
har??? i nvr know that is a seminar for "乐器" hope you know chinese T~T
woah!!! you made so many muffin!! >.<
hope to have one larrr
MUFFINS! me love! <3 especially chocolate. :)
feather: haha i know mandarin :) and the seminar is held in my music academy. muffins rock the way :D
yoganes: same here!
ohhh music..stopped my piano long time ago. yummy muffins :D
ken: oh nooo...
chuen: why stop!!? D:
yummeh...er..can i have the recipe please..pretty please...hihih..
i stopped playing piano at grade 5 :P btw, nice choc muffins!
Waaa so young start baking ady, good good :D
are they dark chocolate muffins?
i want some too!
hello nanged this :D hope you can visit mine :D tnx
nice! looks delicioussssss!
I want I want... Can i have the ingredient and steps? So i can bake it myself
aliyna: replied in nuff :)
hilda: shouldnt stop lahh, thx anyways.
vin tsen: LOL thanks.
philip: okay no prob.
simon: :D thx
doris: my mum bought the instant flour. all i had to add was butter and egg. i didnt really have the recipe. u can find it in market i guess?
Haiz...boredom...I know that feeling...it is in my bones this very moment...
sry sis...lazy 2 comment la bt abt d seminar, rmb, since u've already got there, no matter hw bored u r, try nt wasting ur time...try 2 learn as much as possible^^
Btw...nice cupcakes=DDDDDDDDD
=DDD-ing leaf
u play the viola?
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