I always adore looking at vintage pictures, or whatever NICE pictures. But I never liked photography this much until my mum got me a cammie. I started learning taking nice shots 'cos my cammie has lotsa functions which are quite rare to other digital cammnies. Which makes me fall in love with it MORE. Hah Somehow, they don't come out that nice but at least, I don't suck at photography that much anymore. Hmm, but still suck. :D
On the day before the last paper, I didn't study much. Chatted with a few friends and when I was chatting with Nicole, she said my cammie has nostalgic effect. Which I had no idea what the hell it is. And tadaaaaa, the effect is so awesome. Thanks Nic for telling me. I'm still a little blur. What an owner. Camwhored and Jane thinks my face sucked. D: Shoot her.
I've listed a 'to-do-list-after-exam'. And hell yea it is a long long list. I believe Santa hasn't been receiving any wishlist as long as mine. One of them is to watch Hong Kong Dramas and catch up with the top dramas. I'm uhhhh, seriously left out. I didn't get to watch dramas before exam and hah, I just finished watching Growing Through Life! I know I'm EXTREMELY s.l.o.w. But at least I managed to finish it. If you have nothing to do, I shall recommend this awesome drama to you. I have a list like 'Favourite No.1' 'Humor No.1' and so forth. This drama is listed in my 'Meaningful No.1'. Trust me, it is very meaningful and it gives me the voice to treasure everyone around me. Nobody knows what will happen next. GoGoGo! You will like it like me. Don't listen to what your aunt and uncle said, JUST WATCH! And you will tell me that it's awesome too :) Okay I'm being real honest here, I don't LIKE IT just because of RaymondLam and Bosco. They're hawt but I swear to god I hate their shytie faces in this drama. Sowwwwwie to say this.
I know this is like very long time ago but I'm still posting this up kay. On mooncake festival, my dad brought us to my relatives house. I was really bored over there. First, the uncles and aunties were all talking about health. Second, the boys and girls there were quite, unfriendly I would say. So me and Jane were left in the house playing with the puppies. Holy Jeez they have more than 10 dogs. Ahhh they were really adorable. :S It's miraculous for me to get a personal puppy. D: I love their house so friggin' much. Okie readers, Imma watch another Hong Kong drama now! Goodnite! TVB Rocks!

why the 3 pics terbalik wan? :)
picta no. 6 is a nice shot. lolx.
"Make it ALIVE!"...hmmm...works great as a slogan.
Btw good thing ure into photography now, u can help to capture a few shots durin d class competition LOL :p
I watched Growing Through Life too ^^(havent fin, my bro keep skipping...) I can't believe how good it is when I watched it. But the dubbed canto sounds a lil weird haha!
I knw tht this comment is not long enough to memuaskan u bt imma stp here, cuz this is my comment on the puppy thing: no comment, thats right!
ps: <3 the last pic
Hah im proud to hear that yo!
and HAHA OF COURSE growing through life is awesome. :D
that puppy looks like a lion, so cute!
i like doggies =D
hilda: ahha lion? yea cute enuf >.<
evelyn: i prefer pups <3
Congrats on finishing your exams!
awesome photos! :D
calvin: nope i use canon S90. it's a digital camera with all DSLR functions in it. :D i like ur photos too!
such a cute dog ^.^
well hello mr tripaholic! LOL. yeah cute cute doggie..
i know how it feels like to get tied down with exams. happened to me recently as well..
mr tehtarik: haihhz ... yea .. everyone has to go through EXAMS. and hey, i love your canon comparison entry weee!
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