Say that you love me
Fool me, Fool me
Oh how you do me
Kiss me, Kiss me
Say that you miss me
Tell me what I wanna hear
Tell me you love me ...
I'm friggin' bored right now. I don't have any plans today. So urgh, I should ajak some of my friends for outings today! D: Bad. Yesterday was okay. Went to a temple in Malacca early in the morning. There were so friggin' many weird things like ... the god went into the men's body and blahs~ I can't bet that its true, but I think its kinda interesting HeeHee. Then came back home at around .... hm... 4 yeah 4. BM tution was okay. Cik Hajar was freaked out when she saw my vampire-like nails. EEEE I knew 'HOT' was at the tip of her tongue. Finished watching Couple Or Trouble at night. Woosh I super love this drama. There were a few parts which almost made me cry, but didn't. I would give a rating of 4.5/5 for this drama :)

Okay. I MUST start writing the music review and start doing my BM essays now. Toodles ;)
You know you ♥ me,
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