We walked to The Gardens and ate lunch there. She ordered Pie and I ordered Sandwich thingy. Jup said they're worth. Yeap yeap! Then me and Jup bought 2 boxes of cupcakes from The Coffee Bean for HanYin. Super cute and unique!! Well-decorated with creams on top. Very nice.
Then we went to IOI mall. Spotted some clothes from P & Co. and Nichii. Then daddy came. Came back home.
Oh yea we also bought flipflops from Esprit. Quite exp but worth! Jup regretted buying the flipflops from Esprit when she saw a nicer flipflops from iPanama in Studio R. I'm not regret 'cos I think my Esprit flipflops are awesome pawsome. Bye to my beloved iPanama flipflops. Will still wear you when I go to the beach!! Weeeee iPanama is always cool. Jup!! Don't forget 'bout what we promised to each other!! iPanama flipflops exchange in June hols!! Pinky promise =). We bumped into Eshin, Karmen and their Primary schoolmates.
Had a real fun day with you yea!! Hope our plan on Sunday goes well!! What we spotted never gets away from our hands!! And have your time in the camp!! Call me more often and tell me more 'bout you!! * You know what I'm trying to say! Thanks for everything Jup! You're awesome ;) Outings next time, must bring camera!!
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