Good day peeps! Today's the last day of school before CNY holidays. Since I didn't get to go anywhere right after school, I have plenty of time to blog right now. I'll talk about school in my next post, just so you're curious why I'm not updating about it, haha. In this post, I have some messages to my friends in Kuen Cheng. I don't know if they will actually read it, I don't know if they actually know the existence of this blog, but I'll just write. Since school has restarted, I only realized how much I missed them and how much I regretted not appreciating and cherishing each time I had fun with my friends. These days, I've been recalling the moment when we sang together while I was playing the guitar during recesses on Thursdays, the moment when we couldn't stop talking about TVB dramas, the moment when we were scratching our head off solving all the mathematics equations, the moment when we were all helping each other on PMR and JUEC revisions, the moment when we took our junior graduation slip...... The moments which nothing and no one else could ever replace.
Dear HooYiTeng, I knew you when we were Form 2 and you're my smartest friend on this planet earth. You're so awesome I just can't find a reason to dislike you. You're friendly and affable. That is why I feel really lucky to have you as one of my best friends. Until now, you're still the one who coaxes me to think of the positive sides. Thanks for giving me perennial joy.
Dear LimJieXi, you're an adorable girl with cute bangs, which totally reminds me of Japanese. We can talk non-stop that we won't even realize if any catastrophes is hitting us. You're intelligent and diligent. Hoping that we can meet up sooner or later.
Dear CheowZhiSan, okay, I seriously do not know where to start with :D . YOUUUUUU, I think you're like my bestest best best best friend and I won't be able to breathe without you. You're like a system in my body that provides me oxygen. This shows how vital you are to me, cheow :) . I remember how we used to talk about HongKong dramas DURING exams when we were in primary school. We weren't that close at that time. Then on the 2nd day of high school, FuLaoShi smartly ordered you to sit next to me. And that's where out story began. You're the sole person who never fails to console me, make me feel like hitting you, make me LMAO, make me feel really annoyed with your philosophy, pull me up when I collapse, make the ugliest face I've ever seen, make the most disgusting flirty face, and most importantly, make me realize how important friends are in life. One day, if I were to write a story between a friend and I, you're my number one option :D .
Dear LeongJiaWen, no wait, you aren't LeongJiaWen! You are AUNTY LEONG! Hahahaha. We used to be ordinary friends who would just walk pass each other without even saying hi and bye. Then when we were form 3, you sat behind me. We started knowing each other more and finally, we became the craziest students in class. No wait, I wasn't crazy. YOU MADE ME CRAZY!! Ahh, now I get it. LeongJiaWen, I now declare that you are sentenced to death for making me CRAZY :P . I hate you! Nahhh, I love you :) .

Dear AngZhuanYuan, seriously, I do not know how to convey my love for you in mere words, son :) . You're the sun that makes me shine, you're the music that clears my chaos, you're the smile that makes me happy, you're the tissue that wipes away my tears, you're the ears that always listen to my words, you're the food that provides me energy, you're the fan that cools me down, you're the eyes that make me see more of the world...... YOU'RE MY EVERYTHING! You're not my friend, you don't deserve to be my friend, 'COS YOU DESERVE MORE! I Love You Forever & Always :) .

Dear LeeGillian, you're a very hyper friend of mine and I feel way too peaceful without any hyper friends around in my new school. You're helpful and considerate. The most precious moment we had together was when we suffered studying together in the library when we were having PMR. You gave me motivations, positive encouragements and full support. I wish you luck in your future to excel in all your examinations. I hope to see you being the best athlete in school one day :) . You and I, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE LIKE JAGGER!

Dear ChaiYiLing, MY DEAREST HUBBAAAAAAAY!! You're my most beloved hubby ever that sometimes I would ask myself, how great would it be if you were born a boy!? Haha, I'll definitely woo you 'till the end of my life. We started to get closer and closer because of cartoons. Gawsh, I still can't believe it XD . We were talking about Dibo, Higglytown Heroes and so forth! You're really adorable and I envy you because you have nice and fair skin :D . I hope you're enjoying yourself in Sri Garden and hopefully we can meet up soon. Love you forever & always, wifey :) .

Dear LooWendy, bwahaha YOU SEXY LOO! We're already really great friends when we were standard 6. The days when I used to sit next to you in primary school were a torture to me 'cos YOUR LAUGHTER WAS FUNNIER THAN ANY OTHER JOKES OUT THERE! I ALWAYS HAD STOMACHACHE JUST BECAUSE OF LAUGHING TOO MUCH WITH YOU! But you're a really awesome friend of mine :) . You're fun to talk to and most importantly, we're practically the same kind of people, haha. To be honest, you're like another version of Cheow :D . I can't literally tell you how much I appreciate our friendship by words. OUR FRIENDSHIP IS BEYOND BOUNDARIES! CHEEEEEEEERS!

Dear AngZhuanYuan, seriously, I do not know how to convey my love for you in mere words, son :) . You're the sun that makes me shine, you're the music that clears my chaos, you're the smile that makes me happy, you're the tissue that wipes away my tears, you're the ears that always listen to my words, you're the food that provides me energy, you're the fan that cools me down, you're the eyes that make me see more of the world...... YOU'RE MY EVERYTHING! You're not my friend, you don't deserve to be my friend, 'COS YOU DESERVE MORE! I Love You Forever & Always :) .
Dear SoonRueChien, you bad bad girl who makes me go MORE crazy just like how Aunty Leong did to me! Hahaha, just kiddin'. First of all, I would like to congratulate you as you have successfully become the president of KC school band! I wanna see more of you conducting 'cos you're simply HOT! Heh, and COOL! I really enjoy going for karaoke with you 'cos you have melodious voice like a hummingbird! Remember the times when you, Aunty Leong and I were thinking of the melodies for the lyrics before JUEC? It was awesome! I genuinely wish you luck for being Cheow's seat partner. I don't want you to turn abnormal after spending too much time with her, hahaha :D .
Dear LeeGillian, you're a very hyper friend of mine and I feel way too peaceful without any hyper friends around in my new school. You're helpful and considerate. The most precious moment we had together was when we suffered studying together in the library when we were having PMR. You gave me motivations, positive encouragements and full support. I wish you luck in your future to excel in all your examinations. I hope to see you being the best athlete in school one day :) . You and I, MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE LIKE JAGGER!
Dear TzarinaMustapa, MUMMAAAAAAAY!! Haha, you're the sexiest belieber ever! *rawr* Whenever I recall how I started talking to you for the very first time, I'll just laugh non-stop. And yes, it was JUSTIN BIEBER who started our conversation :D . I love spending time with you because both of us play same kinds of songs on the guitar! Love 'ya mum :) . Dear Nini, GRAMMAAAAAA!! First of all, you're a really cute and nice person. You're fun to chat with and I love how you always make me feel happy to see you 'cos when I see you, I see the word 'cheerful', haha. Oh oh oh, there was one time when we were jumping up and down for the entire break in JR3B, remember? WE WERE DARN RETARDED! WHY DID WE ACTUALLY DO THAT? Hahaha, but heck it was fun jumping around with you ;) .
Dear ChaiYiLing, MY DEAREST HUBBAAAAAAAY!! You're my most beloved hubby ever that sometimes I would ask myself, how great would it be if you were born a boy!? Haha, I'll definitely woo you 'till the end of my life. We started to get closer and closer because of cartoons. Gawsh, I still can't believe it XD . We were talking about Dibo, Higglytown Heroes and so forth! You're really adorable and I envy you because you have nice and fair skin :D . I hope you're enjoying yourself in Sri Garden and hopefully we can meet up soon. Love you forever & always, wifey :) .
Dear Charmaine, DADDAAAAAAY!! You're humorous, sporty, and BEAUTIFUL! Have I ever told you that some people in my class (JR3A I meant) told me that you're beautiful? Hah, now I'm telling you this if I haven't! I have to agree with them because you were born pretty with beautiful eyes! If I were telling you about this in person, YOU'LL DEFINITELY SHOW ME THAT DISGUSTED EXPRESSION :DD ! I don't understand why I don't have your genes. I actually FAILED my basketball test last year and you're a player from the school's basketball team. This is SHAMEFUL :( . Anyways, I hope you'll have a great year of 2012. We must hang out before the end of the world yeaaaa!
Dear LooWendy, bwahaha YOU SEXY LOO! We're already really great friends when we were standard 6. The days when I used to sit next to you in primary school were a torture to me 'cos YOUR LAUGHTER WAS FUNNIER THAN ANY OTHER JOKES OUT THERE! I ALWAYS HAD STOMACHACHE JUST BECAUSE OF LAUGHING TOO MUCH WITH YOU! But you're a really awesome friend of mine :) . You're fun to talk to and most importantly, we're practically the same kind of people, haha. To be honest, you're like another version of Cheow :D . I can't literally tell you how much I appreciate our friendship by words. OUR FRIENDSHIP IS BEYOND BOUNDARIES! CHEEEEEEEERS!
Dear LowSoonYin, you're another extremely HYPER friend of mine :) . We are the UGLY BETTIES! Haha, that's a dumb name which I created after we had our braces on together. What should I say? YOU'RE SMART BUT YOU'LL NEVER ADMIT IT! Haha, just ADMIT IT. If you don't, PROVE IT TO US BY ACHIEVING TERRIBLE RESULTS :D ! I wish you luck on finding your true love. And, I can't wait to hang out with you without braces! We're so gonna look SMEXY! Hahahaha, just kiddin' :D .
Dear YapZhiWen, I just only realized that we don't even have a photo together, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Lol. You're the best brother, the best silent-listener, the best helper and the BEST CHOCOLATE COLLECTOR :D ! I used to rely on you a lot, LIKE SERIOUSLY A LOT. 'Cos you're always there for me come what may. You listen, when I'm down; You help, when I'm not capable of finishing my works; You give comments, that I love to read best. Why do you have to be so reliable? YOUR FAULT :P ! Haha, the days in Sri KL without you are superbly miserable 'cos no one will tell me THE LAMEST JOKES on earth. Who is YapZhiWen? HE'S THE LAMEST PERSON EVER, but me likey :) .
Dear LoongChangHwang, I guess you won't even want to read this because you will only read things in Chinese, but I'll still write. You're another awesome brother and also a very awesome person to play + chat with. I envy you because you're really good in Mandarin and many other subjects, WHICH DO NOT INVOLVE LANGUAGES OTHER THAN MANDARIN. Haha, I know how much effort you have put on improving English, but it takes time kay Loong? Dream high and I believe one day, you'll reach your aim to start your career in America :) .
There are still a lot of people who made my junior high school life unforgettable. They're HanYin, SamYee, SethFoo, ZhiQian, AlisonTan, BeatriceTan, HaoYing, AndrewOoi, YeowRong and MANY MANY MORE! It will take me AGES to finish this post. In short, I'll like to thank all of you for making my junior high school life a blast and I can't find any reasons to not love you all :) . You guys are the best and I definitely have no regrets getting to know all of you. I LOVE MY KUENCHENG FRIENDS!
A real friend is one who walks in
when the rest of the world walks out.
All the best to you, in your new school, new life! :)
I'm starting to get all nostalgic here XD dun worry, sis. Never. Cuz I knw u'll be fine. I even knw tht u'll get along wif ur new mates in no time!
emily~~~!!!! I <3 u so so so so so much!!!! hope u'll have a better life there. :) good luck for u, LOUDSPEAKER. XDDDD
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