Good evening everyone! Sorry for not updating recently but I was superbly busy these few days. Homeworks are seriously stressing me up. I didn't have to do my homeworks when I was in my previous school. Well, I had to but I didn't want to. All I had to do was to copy, copy and COPY. Simple and nice :) . But I told myself that copying won't do me any good and it's definitely not helping me on enhancing those subjects drastically. So yea, I'm starting to learn to not copy and do everything on my own. Doesn't sound like me at all, haha. But firstly, I so so so need to improve my time management.
31st of January was my birthday and it wasn't too bad. At least a little bit better than what I expected earlier. I was expecting for a day which I would be lonely and it wouldn't even be my birthday that I will actually remember. But one thing was that in school, YingYing remembered my birthday and so everyone in the class knew it was my birthday. They started wishing me and they sang me birthday song as well. I felt the warmth, lol. We were in the Bio-lab and I was sitting beside Joyce. We were talking for 2 periods and when she knew it was my birthday, she kept saying that she felt really sucky 'cos she didn't know it was my birthday. The point is, we were talking for 2 periods! Haha, I didn't mention that to her 'cos I don't think it was necessary, though.
You might be staring at my dad in the last photo. Wondering why does he look so gay huh? Nahh, he wanted to cover his body with the pillow 'cos he wasn't wearing a shirt, haha. So, Chinese New Year is coming to an end. How's your CNY so far? Mine was okay and nothing special happened. The family and I went back to daddy's hometown. Missing the peace over there already :D . We also went to Thailand, as usual.
Dear GongGong, how are you in heaven up there? I sincerely wish you a very happy Chinese New Year and I hope you feel the sincere in me. I miss you so much. I want you to tell me more jokes which no one could ever tell me better. I want you to cook me maggie for supper when I feel hungry that I can feel the love from you through the noodles :) . I want to see you combing your bald head with gel to make your head look shinny. I want you to make me milo and say it's coffee. Why is God so cruel? Why did God ever take you away from us without even giving us an opportunity to say goodbye?

On the last day of school before CNY holidays, I was so excited and I was waiting for the bell to ring during the last period. When school was dismissed, my classmates gathered their iPhones on the table. I was surprised how people nowadays love iPhone so much. Then, we went to the canteen and had our lunch. It was nasi lemak and it didn't taste that bad. Today's was quite terrible 'cos we had tomato rice, chicken (which I'm completely sick of it already), salmon and vege for lunch. The rice tasted pretty eccentric. But it's still bearable. Well at least it's better than the tomato spaghetti in school -.- . Worst was mushroom soup. You wanna know how bad the mushroom soup tasted like? You can go and get mushroom soup in can, cook it and mix it with MILK. I almost have puked out everything after my first sip. Nobody in school will ever think that it's nice.
School is getting much better already. I am starting to get used to the new environment, teachers and friends. To be frank, the friends there are nicer far beyond my expectation. I had fun with a few of them who I would like to introduce here: Tharchanna (my first Indian friend and it's utterly fun to be with her. She's talkative, hilarious and kind. I love her :D ), Nura (my second Malay friend. She has beautiful teeth, haha!), Joyce (the awesome friend of mine who sits beside me. She calls me a loudspeaker and says she's a mouse 'cos she's shy. As a matter of fact, she can be pretty loud but oh well, I still win when it comes to comparing the loudness between Joyce and I XD ), LingHui (another awesome friend of mine who sits behind Joyce. She has a smart look that makes me feel tiny sometimes :D . She talks a lot, but I ALSO win when it comes to comparing :D ), YingYing (my good friend who has countless of similarities with me. She's adorable 'cos she has 2 dimples. The way she speaks is also very very cute. She does not sound like a form 4 student at all! I love talking to her :D ), Jinghann (a very friendly friend who is always busy with her prefect duty but I still love her lots, heh. She always has the AC remote control with her which I find it pretty cute. And, she's a great swimmer :) ), Crystal (who sits next to me. She's smart and funny. She belongs to the school's volleyball team and I envy how she can cope with both sports and studies. She's awesome too!) and Sheena (my 2nd Indian friend who is in red house with me. Sadly, she's transferring to another school soon ;( ).
There are also some other friends who are really nice, like ChengMun, Senoja, WenQian, ShuHuan, SiuChing, ShunEe, WaiHoe, Ryan, Aaron, TzeSheng, NelSern and dot dots. Life's getting so much better and I'm lovin' it. How's yours ;) ?
It is not length of life
but depth of life that matters.
Make your life wonderful
and full of challenges.