Oh yea I almost forgot! Good luck to those who are sitting for JUEC's art exam on this Friday! Haha I'm an art idiot. I might just get an extra B for art so it's ideal to drop art subject for JUEC. Once again, GOOD LUCK PEOPLE! Talking about art, our VERY VERY LAST art homework was PAPER CLAY PROJECT. I didn't know what to do 'cos what my art teacher wants are things which disgust people, or a better described way, traumatize people. Students from B class made stuff like eyeballs (which they really made blood vessel hanging behind the eyeballs), poop (looked totally real, looked stinky too), a dead frog with it's organs popping out (the best) etc. I'm not a disgusting person so I wouldn't make anything disgusting (like as if). I wanted to do the black and white keys of the piano, which is the EASIEST thing I could do, 'cos what I would have to do was to paint them B & W. BUT eventually, I thought of SNOWMAN, which would be MUCH EASIER than the keys. As you know, snowmen are round, so Jane and I simply made the paper clay round and adhere the head and body together, that's it! I feel successful.
Some of my friends made things which totally rocked. Like zSan's DSLR. You can literally change the lens of her DSLR that is made of paper clay. When the lens is being taken off, you would see a DSLR ring in it. This is what she says, the best method to ask someone to marry you. She's getting more creative than ever, lol. Next, it's Wendy's cursed doll. She said she didn't know why the head of the doll cracked but hellooo, the cracks would just make the doll look scarier. Plus, the doll's eyes were popping out and one of the eyes were slightly inclined (meaning not like the normal eyes we have). Thumbs-up for Wendy's cursed doll!

Oh yea, the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, passed away. It was really abrupt, just like what happened on Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley. BUT, I saw people posting a picture on Facebook which I totally have to concur with. It has two pictures, Steve Jobs and a group of African victims who have been suffering in famine daily, weekly, annually, and finally, death. The caption under Steve Jobs was 'One dies, Million cry' whereas the caption under the victims was 'Million die, no one cries'. Very true indeed. This is what we call, injustice. Anyhow, rest in peace Mr. Steve Jobs. Thanks for inventing so many gadgets to keep us entertained. You're simply genius. The world loves you, we love you. I admire you 'cos you're a Buddhist, you're a vegetarian, and you're a great philosopher. Even my DAD admires you too. You know how rare it is for him to admire 'someone' AFTER that 'someone' dies?

Stay hungry, Stay foolish
- Steve Jobs
*Try to comprehend the definition in this quote,
it has an innate vast meaning.
I didn't pass up my paper clay and still get 90 XD. Love ur paper clay :D. And ur smile.
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