Next, it is..... *drum rolls* the best pianist who has inspired me, a lot, MAKSIM MRVICA. I already knew him when I was standard 3. That was when PhaikYee, one of my best friends from primary school, introduced me one of Maksim's masterpiece named 'flight of the bumble bee'. It's not the original version. He does many remix for all the pieces from classical and romantic periods. Few days back, I don't know how I came across to his videos in youtube, so I clicked and clicked, watched and watched, listened and listened, I couldn't stop! They're simply addictive! You wouldn't understand/feel/know the addiction if you haven't listened to them. AND not to forget, his awesome muscles on his arms, his hot grin, his gothic outfit (some people actually commented on his outfit as 'messy' cos musicians are supposed to be FORMAL, like what you can normally see in orchestras, but c'mon, he's a hot goth, please don't make him change :D ), his always-changing hairstyle DOTS! Please please I demand you to listen to his songs. You'll feel the prestige of royalties, the power of music, and how his fingers can flow fluently across the keys. I favour almost all of his songs but I strongly recommend you to listen to songs which you guys will probably like (I assume some of you here dislike classical songs hey?) Chopin Revolutionary Etude, Exodus, Rhapsody and Cubana Cubana. After that, tell me how great he is :D. Remember, it is MAKSIM MRVICA ;P .

*Yes, I'm currently listening to his songs, -somewhere in time- is playing* Now what do you wanna know about JUEC? All of the subjects were so-so, BUT science (which consisted of SPM's Biology, Chemistry and Physics) was exceptional. Oh well, I'm not aiming an A for that subject, though. Others were so-so BUT I can't say they're easy-beasy 'cos they're definitely not. So, to all next year's JUEC candidates, you don't have to really pressure yourself too much for JUEC. As long as you always study for every single class tests, and study for everyone single unified school exams, you'll be capable to cope with everything by then. All you have to do at the nick of time is to flip through everything you have studied before and chill. *I sound so pro, yay*. This is just what I wanna say about my experience. I hope I can get at least 5A's for JUEC. Not gonna hope for something to good 'cos JUEC's always unexpected. In a bad way AND in a good way. Depends.
So, after our Maths exam, zYuan, yTeng, Gil, zSan, rChien, jWen, hYin, hYan and I went to Timesquare for Karaoke. We were soooooo hyper in the kbox that almost all of us have a little of sore throat right now. We didn't sing, we practically YELLED all the way. Songs which totally brought the atmosphere up were Party rock anthem, Nasi Lemak 2.0 Rasa sayang, Marry you DOTS. Especially when we were all singing Party rock anthem, all of us did the shuffle together. Then when the song ended, we were exhausted like dead fish. Imagine us yelling PLUS shuffling. Ain't it a good exercise for those who are on diet? LMAO.
Also, we FINAAAAALLY celebrated ZhiSan's birthday. It was a very very VERY belated birthday bash indeed. Her birthday is on the 22nd of Sept and we only got a chance to celebrate today 'cos we were having PMR trials, JUEC trials, PMR then JUEC all in a row! WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO BREATHE! Thank God our plan went well. Thanks to all who were involved. Thanks for not leaking our plan. Thanks for co-operating. zYuan - the major mastermind for everything. Yours truly & Gillian - the ATM machines XD. We got her an i-don't-know-what DSLR filter and a 8' tiramsu cake. They are not cheap kay. Especially the CPL filter. It sure is a petite thingy but it costs a bomb. Haha. Anyhow, I'm glad ZhiSan likes it and she was really surprised! Hello, will you actually expect someone to celebrate with you when your birthday is already over for MORE THAN ONE MONTH? Sorry for the extreme delay, Cheow ;D !
I'm looking forward for next week! It's Kuen Cheng's ball games again! Lovin' it. It's what I always look forward every year. Hope JR3A gets to score a lot in every ball games! We must prove to those who think that A class students are nerds! All the best and WE CAN DO IT!! Alright, I guess that's all for today! I have SO SO SHOOOOOO many HK dramas on my list. Good night :) .

I can see everything from up here.
where are you?