I have so so so much to tell I don't know where to start. I'll be continuing this post on the weekend. Hmm... where shall I start? I had my piano practical and theory exams few weeks back. Piano practical exam was held in Damansara's Hilton Hotel. Normally it would be in Grand Blue Wave. Damansara's Hilton sucks. It's located in the center of town. Every highways, fly-over, just, whatever roads which could be seen, were congested. Don't ever get yourself there 'else you would be stuck there for life. That stupid location ALMOST made me late. I was so panicky I kept messaging Teacher Angeline. Hah, she was so worried I would panicked too much and couldn't calm myself down for exam. She knew I could make it on time. Well, I ALMOST couldn't make it. My dad briskly left me, mum and Jane in front of the hotel. We wanted to take the elevator but there were only 2 friggin' elevators which were still stuck ON TOP, so we decided to use the staircase. Then, we went to the wrong venue. Staircase again. Eventually when I reached, they called my name and it was my turn already. First of all, all the hastes were worth it. Why? Because Mr. Jonathan the cellist looked so handsome I just couldn't stop staring at him. No, I AM NOT exaggerating. All my friends see eye-to-eye with me. And from this, we concluded that after so many years of classes and efforts we've put, all is worth it 'cos for our very last grade, we got to have such a good-looking examiner! The exam was kinda terrible. Especially when it came to the aural singing section, I was ogling at him and I forgot to listen to what he was playing. Hence, I sang things I created -.- . So sweat right? What to do? Blame on his awesome face hahaha. And and, he was being very very nice okay? He said 'Thanks for playing for me. I had a great time listening. Have a good day! Goodbye!'. Seriously, if I were given a choice, I would tell him 'LET ME STAY'. For the past few years, 7 years in precise, including my violin practical exams' examiners, most of them were old, bald and fat. This time, IT'S DIFFERENT! Oh Jonathan, when can I ever meet you again????
I have to stop talking about Jonathan. Okay. Theory exam was holey shytie terrible. I was deliriously staring at questions 1 to 5. Blank. Yes, blank. It was amazingly/surprisingly tougher than our trial exam. Peeps, I only got 69 for my trials. 66 is the passing mark. I'm dead. No, you need not comfort me 'cos I'm prepared for this. No matter what, I WILL NOT resit my grade 7. If I must, I'll just stop theory. Theory sucks ever since I started grade 6. It's such a big leap between grade 5 and 6. Grade 7 isn't hard honestly. The hard part is that we have to compose things here and there, in the mean time, compromising with another instrument. Oh yea, I've forgotten to mention that the exam was held in SMK Batu 14. Hah the worst school ever. I can't imagine students studying there without getting pissed off with the surroundings. #1, cleanliness is given a mark of 5% ; #2, facilities are 'beautifully' vandalized ; #3, their doors didn't seem to be working anyway, dot dot. One word, indescribable.
Oh by the way, I'm taking piano diplomas after JUEC exam. I don't know what force pulled me back. I did think of taking diplomas previously but that was trillion years back thing. Somehow I feel very very enthusiastic in continuing. I feel that life without piano classes is empty, like Macbeth's (haha, too much of literature). But the thing is, diplomas aren't easy you know? I will have to learn all kinds of vital techniques. I still haven't thoroughly mustered the basics, oh no. The grip, the body movement, dot dot. It somehow sounds intriguing for me. All I need is ample time to spend on the piano. Some people may be thinking, why do I elect to continue for my ambition has NOTHING to do with music? Well, music is apart of my life. I'll feel very empty without music. Every day I would at least touch the guitar or piano. Violin? Sorry, it's entirely ignored at a corner haha.
Also, I left FortePiano due to some .... parental issues. I didn't want to of course. My friends in theory class are not very close with me but we could be very very hyper in class teacher find us uncontrollable. When teacher quoted 'We work as a group. Nobody will be left behind. We pass together. We excel together'. Man, you don't know how much of PAIN and MISERY I was enduring inside. I almost burst into tears but I kept a smile hanging upon my face. We're like a family. You think I can leave without even feeling miserable? Leaving piano practical class was WORSE. Teacher Angeline taught me for 10 years. No joke, T-E-N years. I wanted to get her a gift to convey my gratitude towards her obligation to teach me with such patience and interesting ways, but I didn't have time to get it before our last class. Holey, depression now. I'll be continuing in my violin academy, Pastorale, which is quite a well-known music academy. Hopefully my new teacher, Ms. Thean, would bear with my horrible flattened-fingers when playing the piano.

Ahhhhh... I have too much to talk about! KC's Open Day, KC Talent Time, jamming moments etc. Stay tuned for these. I'm gonna talk about The Sleepover :D . After KC's Open Day, The Zenith (a band we formed, consists of 5 members who are Me, zYuan, yteng, hYing and hYin) went jamming in the Icons Studio. I'll talk more about this in my next update. After our practice, yTeng and zYuan came over and sleptover. We were planning to sleep at 5. But our eye lids were kissing. We were totally weared out 'cos of Open Day. We were stalking almost EVERYONE we know in my room. Gossips and all sorts! Hah awesome. We woke up at 10 in the morning the next day. Previously, zYuan suggested waking up at 8 and jog in the park. Epic failed, as expected. Gawsh, I still can't believe 3 of us could literally sleep on my only-queen-sized bed. We insisted sleeping together even though my maid already prepared everything for them in the guest room. I've read an article saying that if you have ever slept with you friends on a same bed, it can be proven that you are very very close with them. So right :D ! Okay, after lunch, we went to the park. We decided to go to the park at the back 'cos it's much closer compared to the park in front. We hyped too much, like totaaaaaaaally. Snap Snap! Photos are below! I have nothing much to say. 'Cos everything went like SWAAAAAG, HYPERRRRRR, BOOM BOOM POWWWWWW. This it it ;) .

I wanna hold you 'till I die,
'Till the fear in me
Argh it's been a long time since i commented. Why didn't you remind me!? XD Anyway I'll be expecting much from Zenith XDD :p
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