Hey loves -flirts-, I'm here to announce about my awesome condition right now. I am enjoying the breeze in a coffin, killed by all my 'loyal' readers. Okay okay, white flag's up. My blog's left dead for so long. I'm here to apologize from the bottom of my heart, and I swear, for real, for this time, I SWEAR, I'll update as frequent as I could, when it's necessary to :) . I'm gonna skip everything. As in seriously EVERYTHING that I was supposed to tell here. I have too many to tell. So I'm gonna summarize everything up, and skipping some of those which are quite minor. Oh my birthday!? Hah, well about that, I'll update about that when the day comes.
Alright. School's exam is officially over. Nothing much to say, but still, a few words which I really wanna tell: "Dear KuenCheng, what the freaking hell is wrong with you eh? Testing us on every subjects with gorgeously hard questions? Do you know how many students were still awake at 4 in the morning!? Do you!? Do you know, we need to study twice as much as those who study in government schools? Do you!?" That's it. Now get the picture? Why putting so much effort when you're not gonna get anything you want in return? God, please God, my dearest god, I don't wanna get like, the last position in my class D: . Sobs. Sobs. If I were given an option, I wouldn't be here suffering like a bird which has no freedom, which its motivation can no where be found.
Skip skip skip. Well, school was dismissed at 9am yesterday. The second when we handed in our Geography paper, we were like already floating in the air, so heavenly eh? Me, Gillian, Zyuan, YTeng and ZSan then took the monorail to Timesquare. I shall update about our exam-is-over-celebration next week. So, here are some snapshots taken before CNY. I know, I know, I'm posting things up which are decades later than everyone else. I'm unique alright -winks- :D ? I rarely camwhore with my school attire, 'cause at my point of view, somehow I think our uniform looks like an apron. Hideous enough. Dear KuenCheng, you are a private school and you can change our uniforms, why can't you just CHANGE our uniforms just like how other private schools did?

Chinese New Year Dinner!
Chinese New Year Buffet!

My teeth are in serious pain right now. The dentist stuck some elastic bands within my teeth. I feel like as if my teeth are all tightened up. Went to KLCC with mum just now. I couldn't bite properly. My teeth disallowed me to bite things quickly and hardly. Ya know how torturing it was? Shocking news here. Imma put braces on this coming Wednesday! Seriously guys, THIS WEDNESDAY!! That's so soon. No more sotong, chocolates, chips and many many more. I feel like having a farewell party with the food. D: I extracted 3 teeth last week. I was supposed to extract 4 teeth but one of the teeth was erupted, so booyah. Believe it or not, the wound couldn't stop bleeding for 6 hours in consecutive! Then, I thought it stopped bleeding. I slept and when I woke up, I saw BLOOD on my pyjamas. You get the picture? Awhhhh, I have to take a lot A LOT of pictures 'cos on Wednesday, I'm gonna be like Ugly Betty, with ugly smile and swollen-liked cheeks. 3 years, please be brisk enough :) .
Hmm, I can't think of anything to write already. C'ya next week! :) .
To avoid tooth pain, please give all ur chocolates to ur bro XD!!
u looks so sweet <3
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