Good afternoon whoever who is reading this! I update so often right now, yay! The current trend is about Japan's earthquake and tsunami. Close your eyes, hold your hands together, and pray, mourn for them, sincerely. Gosh I sound so awkward :D .
Facebook's line is EXTRA slow right now. Does it have anything to do with the earthquake? Others are going well, as usual. But why Facebook? Why? -skip skip- Lee Chong Wei won Lin Dan in All Englands badminton match last night!! Holey mama Malaysia Gemilang!! I told my mum yesterday that LCW will be competing with LD at night, and the first response she gave me was 'oh? It's an of course that LD will defeat LCW 'till flat!'. LCW, good luck in Olympic next year!! You can do it!
Chatted with TzarMum last night. There's this part where I just couldn't stop laughing!!
Tzar: I'm gonna write another fiction after finishing My One.
Me: Great!!
Tzar: What do you think I should write about for the next one?
Me: Hmmm .... what about writing about JB being a wizard and he's gonna fall in love with a maggot.
Tzar: What? Maggot? No ewe!!
Me: ??
Tzar: Imagine JB kissing a baby fly... -.-
Currently addicted to tzar's fan fiction!!
Click here to read her fiction. You will have no regrets reading it! In fact, you will actually think that it may be even better than the fictions in MPH!! :P Trust me.

(Blogger is lousy, it makes my entry look totally messed up.)
Okay peeps, I'm gonna write about our exam-is-over-celebration right now. At 9am, me, Gillian, YTeng, ZYuan and ZSan took the monorail to Timesquare. Woah the monorail was like completely crowded with KC students. We didn't want to bump into any KC students, 'cos we knew earlier that most of them would be heading to Midvalley. Hence, we decided to go to Timesquare. Until on that day, everyone was like 'Omg you're going to TS too??". So yea, Timesquare was like Kuen-Cheng-Day on Friday hah! Would be extra fun if YLing and JXi could make it :( .
It was pretty 'peaceful' when we reached there. Ya noe, it was a school day and everyone's working. Non-KCstudents who were found there must be playing truant! Alright, we were fooling around, camwhoring. Zhisan's DSLR's so baffling. I didn't wanna use it 'cos I was afraid that I would really really kill it. We walked around, got bored already, then we walked to Sungei Wang. We saw Ah Niu in Sungei Wang! He was promoting the 30-hour-famine function I guess? They wanted to get his autograph, but he was getting interviewed by the reporters from channel 8, so we decided to go and have our lunch as our tummy's already growling.
We had our lunch in Gasoline. The worst restaurant I have ever been to in my entire life!! We were not even served properly, not even respected. They kept giving us the 'urgh' face. Oh and their cleanliness! EWE EWE EWE! The food, gosh the food was tasteless, disgusting. ZYuan and ZSan had to wash the cutleries themselves! Hello, do you actually need your customers to wash the cutleries for you, seriously?
We then left as quickly as possible. We returned to TS and loitered around, getting our food digested before heading to Cosmo World. At around 1pm, we bought the tickets at RM37 each. I was soooo traumatized when my schoolmates told me that a ticket may cost RM90++! Completely relieved when the cashier told us that it's only RM37! There was this very annoying woman who kept asking us to go to her haunted house. And it's friggin' expensive, I didn't wanna get a heart attack by paying her with such a high price LOL. Do view the snapshots below! Words can't describe all the fun :D !
Remember what I've said in my previous post? Teeth hurt and all that? Yeap, my very last awesome dinner was Japanese food. Now, I only get to eat noodles, bread, porridge, and all sorts that I only have to swallow but not to bite. Sighs, 3 years' too long! I can't stand it anymore already!! D: sobs.
I am the lamest person ever
And I'm lovin it.