Hey peeps. Miss me? Every part of my body is currently aching. Yesterday's yoga class was thoroughly torturing. Teacher taught us a few new postures. They were unbelievably tough to be done. I just noticed that my metabolism system has been officially activated since I started learning yoga. For your information, I did not sweat much last time. My friends were jealous 'cos I wouldn't get sticky or 'drenched' during PE class but they were all sweaty like wet fish LOL. Now, I sweat so much like as if I was soaked for the whole day. Jeez what a random post -.-
Watched Piranha yesterday. I tell you it's like the worst movie ever. I was and am disappointed with it. I used to be like 'Mummy I wanna watch Piranha pleasepleaseplease'. Now, finally, I got to watch it. You know what? Watching Piranha is like watching PORN. They had a few scenes where you can see naked ladies dancing, swimming etc. They were not even wearing any lingerie. No wonder it's 18PL. I thought it's because it's too thrilling or whatsoever. In the other side of the coin, I don't find it scary at all. Apparently I think it's superbly outrageous that somehow I started despising the director. Ewe, no, EWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEE.
School was not that fine I would have to say so. Teacher announced our average marks and class positions. My average mark for the 3rd exam is 82.03 and for the whole year, it's 81.60. I'm not that satisfied but at least, I've tried my utmost. What I wish is that I will be able to remain in A class. I'm not sure if it will come true but I'll just get my hopes high :) I'll get to know which class I'll be in after Christmas. Oh that's long way to go. However, my priority wish is that all the Albuses get to study in A class. YiLing's average mark got deducted due to her 3-week-absence. Hence, her average mark did not reach her heart's content. She was so upset that she actually thought of transferring. What I wanna say is that, YiLing, even if you really really dropped to B class, it doesn't matter, even for a teeny bit. If it happens to be this way, so what? You're just next door. We can find you anytime we want! We can still go for outings, conquer the recesses, talk like how we always be. Trust me, we're more than friends. The shuffling of classes will never effect our 'family-ship'. It doesn't matter. We all wanna see you smile like always :)

My new dog is finally here! Woooooh! It's a two-month-old rottweiler pup! It's so adorable that I can't find a reason not to spend all my time with him. I have to train him how to bark. LOL so yea, I was like woofing here and woofing there. But he didn't even bark for once D: Failure. His huge problem is that he likes biting the stuffs in the backyard. Sighs, what a naughty doggie. Kay here are some pictures to share. You'll understand why I love him so much :D
Hah spot his saliva. So cool right? Okay I shall continue about the Kuantan thing. Don't really have things to say. Just some pictures for you to check out. Beaches are always awesome :) You know, I love sand so much that I'm in love with sandpapers as sand isn't so easy to get. Woopsie, weirdo here. Blogging wears me today. First time. I shall rest right now. Outing with LimJuppieDear tomorrow :) Toodles. Sleep tight. Good night. Sweet dreams. Most importantly, dream about me! ;)
Stop dreaming.
Cute puppy! Can I hug it? XD
what breed?
Love the saliva pic!
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