I used to run in the wide field green,
Laughing at the cloudless sky,
Now, I look on with my face quite grim,
Surveying the world up high.
Once green grass and running water,
All that remains are visions of horror,
Majestic trees surviving the cruel weather,
Cut down mercilessly and left to suffer.
Running in the cool climate now hot,
I see even camels too thirsty to trot,
Where mountains stood immovable or so I thought,
What's left of it is left to rot.
Of the two poles once the coldest,
Now they break off into icebergs,
Fields which yielded plenty harvest,
Are now immersed there the sea rages.
And so I think and comtemplate,
What's causing all this trouble,
It came to me as I sit there late,
That we caused it and are repaid double.
Through our vicious abuse and horrible destruction,
We've harmed Mother Earth beyond imagination,
Now earthquakes, typhoons and volcano eruptions,
Plague us and cause quiet contemplation.
And yet we don't seem to realize,
And go on committing crimes,
Impervious to our planet's demise,
Until a tsunami sweeps away our lives.
I sit there while I think,
Or all the possible outcomes,
Then I realize one thing,
Do something or face the disaster that comes.
Reduce on plastic,
Save the trees;
Reduce what you take,
Mother Earth'll be really pleased!
Do your part,
Save the environment,
Or without our lives we'll depart,
With the world in total destruction!
Need I say more?
Finished watching 'Mysteries Of Love'. My favourite Hong Kong drama so far!! Oh Raymond Oh Raymond! He's soooo cool and smart in this drama. And now, he acts in a new drama called 'Through Life'. Oh and Bosco!! Astro On Demand showed the 1st episode last night. Sighs, I don't have that channel, so sad. Imma watch it later in PPS! I have to say that, Raymond looks a lil bit like a goody-goody in the new drama with his oh-very-nerdy hairstyle...

Okay, this is like sooo long time ago. Went for my cousin sister's (Vivian) wedding dinner on I-forgot-when. Here are some pictures to share with you. She's FINALLY married. Bwahaha I sound so insulting. But anyhow, I still have to wish her right? Okay, here it goes, I sincerely wish that you can have lotsa lotsa babies for me to play with, and THIS, is a MUST! :D
u spelt the "beyond" wrong, dear, in the poem...
Ah...I see somebody commented before me...better not let that happen next time LOL jkjk.
Anyway Jet's poem should replace abdul jamad's rite? its damn hyper amazing!
Oh n do u lik beer? cuz i favor wine...juz askin
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