Part Two. 27th July 2010Hey peeps, back for another update. Okay where shall I start? Oh yea ... there was a pool specially offered for kids. There were slides, water guns and so forth. It made me know that WE are getting older already, this kind of place is not suitable for us. Why? Because it was like a place which has been jinxed that teenagers must not enter this place as tragic incidents happened on
ZY, YT and I. When YT was walking on the staircase, it was extremely slippery and she fell down on the staircase. She said her butt was so painful that as if it has turned blue black on the spot. And
ZY, she attempted to play on the
kidz slides (LONG ones) but guess what? She was stuck halfway and she was yelling 'Man, I'm stuck!", and she had to push herself down. She said that wasn't tragic at all, but to me, it was, imagine kids chuckling and teasing at you, looking at you being STUCK in the slide.
LOL! As you know, I'm considered as TALL. Me and
YL were walking on the water and I didn't realize there was a pole in front of me and I knocked it real tragically, it was so painful and
YL said 'Thank god I'm at the back of you, 'else I may be the one who has
hit it!'. And so, we left that place and went to the 'I-call-it-ocean'.
I would have to say I was kind of unfortunate on that day. I was taking pictures of YT,
ZY and
YL under a tower, apparently I didn't know that there was this gigantic pot on top and it would spill out water whenever it was fully-refilled. So the water poured on me and obviously, on my camera as well. For your information, it isn't a water proof camera, so guess you've expected what happened eh?
Yeap it ended up BAD. The screen turned blank and at the mean time, my mind turned blank too. I was like 'Blimey, DON'T DIE!!'. They were traumatized by my look, not the camera. So we were thinking ways to make it revive from 'blankness'. Then,
ZY took the camera, looked here and there, and she started blowing real hardly on the screen and believe it or not, it worked. So I promptly took it and attempted to take a picture of the beautiful scenery, but to our astonishment, it turned off automatically and we could see water vapours inside from outside through the screen. So we took turns to blow the camera. Until when it was
YT's turn, she waved at us and pointed at the camera, smiling. Of course, my camera had revived. THANK GOD was the only thing which came out in my mind at that moment. Phew, it's not dead! I didn't have to go back home with misery and guilt. (:
Oh and, I now declare that me, YT,
ZY and
ZY are the most professional
floaties thieves!
1st time: We were at the 'I-call-it-a-river', I saw a floaty lying on the floor,
YL was whispering to me 'Go steal it, be quick, too'. And so, I walked quickly and took the floaty and went down into the pool. We were laughing so hardly that it was quite obvious that we stole it. Then after we 'floated' across a
bridge, a woman came and took the floaty away.
2nd time: We were at the 'I-call-it-ocean' and you know, that was the place where we took turns to blow my camera. When it was
ZY's turn, she sat on a single-seat floaty. Then when we asked her where she got it, she said "I've no idea. I saw it here so I sat on it". Then after that, I (again, I'm so professional) saw a two-seat floaty, no ones using, so I stole it and promptly ran to the pool. Once again, mission accomplished. Fortunately, the pools so huge that the owner of the
floaties couldn't recognize who had took them away. You can look at the pictures of 4 of us taking the
floaties. For the first time, I felt extremely successful + proud of myself.
Oh and, we went to the 'I-call-it-slides-are-scary'. I was
soo friggin' scared because it was my 1st time playing those thingies.
ZY was very scary. She was shouting and shouting like as if some oaks were chasing her. I could hear her screams from outside. But well, me and
YL were shouting too. It was very exciting +
scaaaaaary. YT was so
friggin' quiet. For your information, I don't think she was even scared at all! So, I
preferred sitting with
YL because sitting together with one who doesn't even scream makes me feel like an insane mama.
HAHA! The slides were undoubtedly awesome. Me
lurves Me
lurves! :D

Part Three will be uploaded
On Saturday.