Hey peeps. Today's thoroughly a tiring day. Early in the morning, I almost fell asleep during Chinese period. Then followed by History (drowsing), BM (sucked), Math (oh boy). Then finally, RESEST!! ZhuanYuan Son showed us a magic performance. Trust me, she's an epic failure. I can't count how many times she tried to work it out again and again, but still, FAILED hahaha. Then, KH (urgh). After that, we went to the school hall. Its BM Minggu and there were some performances and 'Bintang Kuen Cheng' competition. Boring~ But there was this guy, who danced along with some Korean songs. All of us were super high. He could do the chest thingy like Rain. He danced like a sissy when the 'Nobody' hit the beat. I think he deserves to be the bintang. He's so coooool.
Reached home at 2pm. Went for violin class at 3pm. Late for 15 minutes but who cares. Seriously, I CURSE that teacher. I CURSE HER! She changed my time without telling me. And so I was STUCK up there for 2 hours. Learning violin is such a waste of my time. Boo. She made me buy this stupid Beethoven collection which costs RM100+ just because she wants me to play a piece in it for exam. And guess what, that freaking piece has solely freaking 2 and a half pages. Sucks. I hope someone could give me a spell and make my violin turn into ashes.
After violin class, went to mummy's showroom. Finished renovating. Awesome. Never knew it would be so much fun taking pictures over there. Hahaha lame. Thunder+Lightning+Raining heavily. Spooky. Went to KLCC. Ate at Bon Ton (reminds me about Ben 10 :D) for dinner. Back home at 10pm. Oh man, I'm so bored. You can totally see it in this entry. I write like a jerk. I have lotsa things for me to do but just, I don't feel like doing anything D:

I like this picture 'cos I look fat. :)
I still like this picture the most. Weeee
Spot the coffee table and the white sofa?
My mummy designed them!!
So awesome right?
Slippers under a table. So beachy style.

Oh boy,
saloon is my NIGHTMARE!!
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