Hello earthlings! Its already 11.52am right now and normally I'm viewing my friends' blog at this time, but seriously, this is driving me bananas, I've been doing on all these (uploading pictures to facebook, then upload the pictures into blogger again) for 2 days! Well not exactly 48 hours. Okay, yesterday, Jup came over and we baked Banana Walnut Muffins. We initially planned to bake cookies or cheese cake, but ended up baking muffins. This sure is gonna be a long long post. By the way, spot the 'Part One' up there?
Me: Hmmm smells good. I like cheese.
Jup: Yo that's butter.
Me: OMG really?

You can totally see that with her smile.

Her favourite.
When she saw this picture in my camera,
she said
- Wow nice legs I have here.

When I'm retired some day,
I suppose I'm gonna get myself
a restaurant named Emily Roma's.
with walnuts.
a lil bit like Koe Yeet?
I was literally involved in the
baking role. Awesoome!

as I've promised,
I'm gonna bake some for you guys
after exam to chill out yeah!?

Theres gonna be a Part Two. Heres a HUGE apology to PhaikYee. I'm very very sorry for not calling you out for outings but that doesn't mean I've (or much rather we) forgotten you. You're always and forever my great friend. Don't be mad. I love youu!! MUAXES!
people (:
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