Part One
Hey readers. Holidays gonna end, so soon ): I'm already bored of being STUCK at home, but the thing is ... I just can't believe exam is gonna be here in 2 weeks time. I'm definitely unprepared. But at least I studied a little. So, on Sunday, ZhuanYuan's family brought me to FRIM. YiLing's phoneline was spoilt. Hence, we couldn't contact her and she couldn't online. It would have been whole lot fun if she went. But well, it was fun too!
Firstly, we ate breakfast together. Then off we went to the FRIM. The scenery there was perfect. Its a must-go destination for the nature lovers. The fresh air ... the sound of the flowing river ... ahh, perfect isn't it? We went for mountain hiking at first. Saw some kids playing in the pond and river. Then we went for canopy walk. It was kind of scary but I managed to finish the walkway. Yay-me! After that, we went and have our lunch or much rather tea in a restaurant named "Malay Tea House". The interior was awesome but the service was terrible. And also, I suppose the food there looked dreadful. EEkes.
Then, we went down of the hill. There was a place where there wasn't any staircases and ropes for you to hold on, and the mud was so muddy that my sport shoes became brown from white. Urghh. I don't know why and how, I couldn't balance myself out of a sudden and I fell down. Or should I say ... I rolled down? It was sooo tragic that I was thinking in my mind "OH SHOOT! Goodbye world". That was the only thing which came out in my mind when I was falling down. My head knocked onto a tree trunk. Gosh It was soo painful that I couldn't think of ANYTHING. The hilarious part was, ZhuanYuan and her mum was so traumatized that they started asking me, "Gosh, tell me whats your name!" "One plus one equals to?". I stood up and I was kind of dizzy. Then AIKES, I saw BLOOD on my wrist. Goshhh, shocked. Her mum promptly gave me her towel and I wiped the blood away. Then saw BLOOD on my left leg. I was going to YELL already because seriously, if you went there and saw my leg, you'll be like O.O! I seriously hope there won't be any scars on my leg 'cos MY LEGS are my LIFE yo! I tried ignoring the pain and went on.
I guess these are the main things I wanna tell. Here are the pictures. I suck at photography so terribly HAHA! Anyway, thx Mr and Mrs Ang for the trip. Yo ZhuanYuan, you're probaly in the nightpark now already. Have fun! I'm GLAD that YiLing's phoneline is ALIVE now! LMAO!

Yo kids,
get a room would 'ya?

YiTeng says: You put out light!
ZhuanYuan says: angel ...

ZhuanYuan says: I'm flying! I'm an angel!

Mrs and Mr Ang

ZhuanYuan says: The Blue-Green plant!
Well it looks completely green in here.

Haih... I know this is totally cacat-ed~

OhOh I know this pose yo!
Yoga + fresh air = perfect

Omg damn pro.

Hey babe, take me with you ;)
Yikes. I sound so flirty HAHA!

LOL She's such a poser.

The canopy walkway!! Lurveeee

Go, let Justin Bieber's Never say Never blast through your ears!
people! :)