Yo people! Back to School!! Miss year 2009 a lot!! And of course, miss all my dear friends from Class Junior 1A '09 too! Well ... On the first day of school, I was told that Ms Foo Mun Yee is our form teacher again!! Hyper dou~ Met some new friends and new teachers. They're really nice.
I'm surrounded by podigies. Left Right Front Back! Tension betul!!
First year of learning Physics. Ish! Seriously complicated. Now I know why people hates it so much! Prefer Chem still ...
Oh and guess what? My class is in the 7th floor!! Ish Ish Ish! Geramnya-i!
I'm the English Rep again for this year. Sighs. Ms Caryn doesn't use common sense. "Girls and Boys, you're A class student and that is why I expect all of you in this class to get Distinction for English." WTH can she even PASS her chinese? Ms. Caryn's personal quote "I'm still single and I'm available." LMAO
Jie s going to University of South Australia next month. Not gonna celebrate CNY with us =(
=( Its going to be another darn year!
+ A journey of a thousand miles begins with your very first step =) +
You know you ♥ me,
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