I'm here to revive my blog. I know it's bad to abandon my blog for such a long time, but I have reasons! I'm back from Australia! Well I won't be writing anything about my vacation right now. Maybe some other day hey? 'Cos I still have loads to write. On tuesday, which is in the week before I go to Australia, me and JiaYing went to MidValley. Daddy fetched me to the bus stop early in the morning and both of us took the bus there. I like her face with china girl bangs :) . Watched Megamind in 3D. It was a great movie I would say! 4.5/5 isn't enough! After that, we had lunch in Spaghetti. Took a few pictures. Juppie, let's hang out another day okay? 'Else I'm gonna miss you to death LOL.

Oh No I'm addicted to Titanic theme song! I used to be addicted to it when I was standard 3. I liked singing it everywhere and I knew the lyrics well, which was the only song I could literally sing with correct lyrics. Actually, I'm really considering to take diplomas for piano. But when I think of stuffs that are going to be really tough for me to cope with, or nails that must be short every time, I'll just think that stopping right after Grade 8 exam will do. I don't know if this is a better decision, but I hope I won't regret. Teacher is kinda worried already as I skipped two theory classes. I will have to catch up with the class soon.
Chatted with ShiQi yesterday. Awh I miss her like hell! We just couldn't stop chatting. We were like never topicless. And we're gonna hang out someday! I'll just have to think of a day when people I'm gonna call will make it. 'Ya know, it's holiday! Everyone is traveling here and there, it's quite hard to gather everyone for outings. Big news here. Jeff bit me yesterday. I've no idea what he was up to but he was definitely hungry or something. It's just so disappointing to see scratches all over my hand, and the place where was bitten, hmmm, it was bleeding! Just pray hard that I won't get rabies. 'Cos rottweiler is a rabied animal. :D I'm thinking too much I guess?
I shall continue about my Kuantan trip. It's been left out for a long long time. So, after the beach walking, scenerial watching and all those, teacher brought us to a resort. Okay they said it's a resort but to me, it doesn't look like a resort at all. It sucked and I didn't like it. It was, rather suffering for me to stay there just for a night. Maybe it's because 10 of us had to live in a room together. 'Ya know, Carbon Dioxide kills. AND we only had ONE toilet in a room. In short, 10 of us had to share a toilet. You wouldn't believe how tiny the toilet was. O.O Don't imagine, it's a nightmare.
I shall stop critisizing about the resort. Each of us bought junk food and some hotcups. Hah it was so friggin' awesome I tell you! Our beds were full of those stuffs! Hell yea we failed finishing everything there, so each of us brought a few home. We were so hyped up that we actually treated ZhiSan's Olympus camera as a DSLR! Anyway, it's for sale right now! If you're interested with it please search 'ZhiSan Cheow' in Facebook and inform her, thank you! By the way, she has got herself a Nikon DSLR! I didn't get a chance to kill it. I missed the opportunity, precisely. I was supposed to attend an outing, 'Harry Potter Crew', but I was hell sick! Fever, flu, cough, sore throat, and the most unfortunately, SWOLLEN EYES! I'm allergic to a kind of chinese medicine and my dad gave me that particular medicine. So tadaa, eyes were terribly swelling for 3 days! Thank god it totally recovered before my Australia trip! - shyt, I must get back to my topic -
Our dinner was barbeque thingies. Me and YiLing had terrible stomach ache so went back to the resort earlier. They had a few activities in the cafetaria. Later, slumber party! Nah, it wasn't exactly a slumber party, I just called it so. We had our supper, which were junk food and hotcup maggies! My favourite LOL :D . The next morning, we went for mountain hiking. Mt. Limbeng I guess? We woke up at 4.15am, and guess what, I actually managed to wake up at that time! How shockening I KNOW!! We didn't have our breakfast, teacher said breakfast after hiking would be much nicer. Emilycwt --> no breakfast --> still sleeping. So yea, I was like still ZZZZ-ing. We walked to the hall. YongXin and WanZhen guided us with some basic warm ups.
As you know, I'm not that kind of sporty person. So mountain hiking was like NIGHTMARE to me I tell you. If you're my reader since last time you should have read the entry which I wrote about the FRIM trip with my friend. I slipped down on the mountain and THAT tragedy is like deeply carved in my mind. It's so vivid that it scares me sometimes. Hence, I was being very very cautious. I don't have good stamina so don't expect me to be like, the top half of the class to reach the top of the mountain. I was almost the last :D . Thank god, MrBeng was helping me through all obstacles from the start. Hell yea I only noticed he's one hell another gentlemen from our class! If I didn't get any help I would have fainted and rolled down! Serious! Remember, I didn't have my breakfast yet! I was quite dizzy already. Much thanks to Beng, I will NEVER forget how KIND you were, okay you still are :) . I was quite shocked 'cos you were not that kind of guy. The impression you gave me earlier was like, the kind of guy who doesn't care about others :D .
The scenery there was nice! The clouds, the colour of the sky, the fresh breeze ... Hmmmm ... Pictures will tell you everything! I didn't post everything up here. I have too many pictures. So, if you're interested, please view them in Facebook. The 1st album:
HERE! , The 2nd album:
HERE! . Oh No I'm in love with Kenny G. His songs are sooo WARM!! D: I wanna play like him. Nothing much to say right now, goodnight peeps.