Helloooo lovelies! I just realized that I've always started my blog post about the weather so today I'm going to make a change! Oh well, listening to The Script's Breakeven is pretty much a heart's contentment half-filled. For some reason it actually makes my fingers feel like strumming on the strings of the guitar singing my lungs out but unfortunately my guitar is no where around me at this moment so let's just forget it. It is Malaysia Day tomorrow and I'm glad that I'm not going to fall into the situation of Monday Blues that is completely loathsome to me! Well, I get that every week and that just makes me an emo kid on Mondays, boo-hoo. I know this is really random but iTunes is currently playing Vanessa Carlton's A Thousand Miles and that reminds me about WHITE CHICKS, nananana.
Yesterday's music class was literally one of the most unforgettable ones. When piano class ended, there was a cockroach that came in out of nowhere once I opened the door. I didn't freak out as much as my teacher (FYI, she is 46 years old) did 'cos I personally think that cockroaches are like ants, no need to be afraid of. My teacher was screaming and jumping all over the place that all the other teachers from other classrooms had to come out to see what happened. It was superbly embarrassing 'cos everyone EVERYONE thought I was the one who screamed. Well, if you were one of them you wouldn't be expecting a 46-year old woman screaming for a small little cockroach, right? So, it crawled up the curtain and I was so tempted to catch it with my hands (like what I usually do when I see the 'buzzing bugs' in my hometown). I couldn't help it so I easily caught it with my right hand. My teacher was so traumatized that she went out of the classroom screaming at a corner where the parents outside were laughing. No joke, but people tended to think that I killed the cockroach which is definitely FALSE. I held it on my palm and I DID NOT squish it. Get the word right please. In the end, my teacher (who thought I killed it with my hands) got so disgusted that she immediately shifted my bags to the other place. Anyhow, my friend who was sitting outside watching the whole cockroach scene told me that it was enormously hilarious and virtually everyone outside was chuckling when the teacher and the student (yours truly) didn't feel embarrassed at all.
Once again, tomorrow IS Malaysia Day and speaking about Malaysia Day, do allow me to boast about our awesome pawsome class deco 'cos we got the FIRST place for the competition! Proudly to say, I was very much involved in the class deco unlike the one we had previously that I didn't even bother to help. Selfish is the word but I simply hated school to the max at that time. Nevertheless, the Merdeka class deco did not fail to unite our class as one team at least for ONCE, FINALLY! I didn't do much like painting, drawing and sorts 'cos I'm absolutely a dumb freak at all these stuffs but hey, I've done some word headers and it didn't turn out THAT bad kay. Not to forget, the duty roster that no one could ever believe that it was produced by yours truly :) . Now, let the pictures below speak!
LingHui is talented like that ;) ! |
We also filled up the windows! |
Tiger version of the nyan cat, haha. |
Amazing painting of the transformation of Malaysia. |
It's Alison's birthday today and we had such a blast in DoubleTree Hotel just now! I finally got to meet her. Oh and, her boyfriend, Andy, who she did not mention to me! They're really sweet together though. So, the foods were simply mouthwatering. The desserts were somehow disappointing and they actually put the beautiful macarons into a glass container and when I asked for it, they said OOPS SORRY IT'S ONLY FOR DISPLAY. How great -.- . Anyway, HoiShan is leaving to the USA in November and I just can't bear with the feeling seeing my friends leaving Malaysia one by one, HURTFUL. She's such an awesome friend and I can't afford to lose another friend again :( .
Now back to the story. So, I got to make new friends like Leanne, Anne, Kautsar and Andy who are in college with Alison. Most of them were talking about their miserable life in high school and surprisingly Leanne lives in Puchong too! Basically the birthday celebration was fun. Especially the part when we played Truth or Dare and the birthday girl had to hug a female who was 18 and above. Yeap, she hugged a pregnant woman and you should totally look at her facial expression when Alison asked "I'm sorry but this is a dare. Can I hug you?". I couldn't help it but to burst into laughter. Her expression, was PRICELESS. Plus, DO NOT forget that it was a pregnant lady and if anything happened, ahem, haha...
I really missed the moment when we worked hard with the Cynorinx band, and when we were forced to sing the songs that we hated during school's Open Day for guitar society, and when we were acting like those people with high pitch voice, and when we created the 1st 'bubu' in Shogun. Everything was like a dream, it just passed by like a blink of an eye and we're all grown up (sounds pretty nostalgic now, haha). Thank you for being such an awesome friend. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and even though we don't meet so frequently, may the memories never be forgotten forever :) .
Of course, MORE foods. |
Main point: the indian guy behind. |
Hahaha, spot the indian guy at the back. |
So, the next time I meet her will be at her farewell party :( . |
Tzarina's fabulous hair ;) . |
Now THIS is the 2nd version of bUUbUU. Underneath: red and green chilli padis, tabasco sauce, DOTS. |
Seducing tutorial. |
There, this is the pregnant lady for Alison's dare! |
We are too cool to camwhore in the elevator. |
It started in the winter,
and it ended in the fall.