Good evening earthlings! Have been pretty tired this week. Not because I had too many piles of work waiting for me to be finished, not because my schedule was packed up with all kinds of activities, but because I felt plain unproductive. I felt like staying at home and to wake up at 12pm every day and live on with my life. Anyway, I'm currently listening to a very emotional song cover of Glee's 'For Good' by Sam Tsui and Nick Pitera. Sounds like a numerous of musical bars with musical notes that just grabbed away half of my heart, leaving there a permanent wound. It makes me recall the bitter sweet sour. It's too beautiful and melodious, oh save me. Anyway, next Wednesday there will be a class trip to Zoo Negara and Aquaria. I know, I know, it's such an 'extraordinary' idea to go to Zoo Negara for a class trip (Aquaria is absolutely not any better) and to think about it, the last time I actually went there was during my kindergarten one-day-trip, not to forget, I was filled with excitement and anticipation at that time, or to be more precise, at that age. I doubt if we would be the only group of teenagers there watching the animals sleep and rott (just wondering how attractive or unique can the animals in Malaysia be?). By that time, the main focus for the little kids would probably be altered to our direction (from the bright side, our glorious moment?). I'm still at the crossroad whether to go or not. I'm just too afraid that I will be missing all the fun.
Today after school, I stayed back for band practice and it was my first time staying back for practice, mainly because Miss Anna was kind of disappointed of our attendance, our discipline. I guess I should just be a part of the obedient ones for once, haha. So, the lunch for today wasn't as bad 'cos in my opinion, Friday's lunch is always the worst. Anyway, for our band festival on the 21st of July, we'll most probably be performing Hawaii Five-O, Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean and Over the rainbow. To be frank, I don't even have a little bit of confidence that we will perfect it. I can't say I can play perfectly and fluently (oh let's just say if I could play with 'normal' flutes sound) but I think we really need a good band conductor who leads us from time to time, for all practices, and not just appear for some time.
By the way, Miss Anna has got new Yamaha flutes for Ying Ying and I! You should totally see how hyper and happy we were after getting our very own baby on hand! We've been waiting for this since... May? We were like 'OMG It's sooooo shiny!! OMG It's got a bag for it!! OMG I can even carry it!! OH WAIT There are cloths inside too!!'. Miss Anna was standing there shaking her head, acting like she didn't know 2 of those insane kids who looked like they have never seen such beautiful flutes before. Thought I could at least play better with better flute but things don't turn up that way. I guess, regular practice is forever and always the sole key to musical clarity and fluency. I shall cut down my time spent on the piano and the violin now. Now, pictures are below and thou shalt not doubt the beauty of my baby!

Right, I shall start the story about school's matinee now! The school ensemble which I've joined performed My heart will go on with Kelly being the soloist and Kenric being the piano accompanist. I personally loved the song a lot but after infinite times of practices, I would feel plain sick and bored if you ever play that song to me again. However, people seemed to really enjoy our performance, mainly because the soloist was very good and expressive, haha. Actually, I sort of missed the days before the matinee and school concert 'cos I got to skip plenty of boring classes which I've been craving to skip since forever. It was such a good week for me 'cos we had to rehearse every day and there were 2 days when we had to stay in the hall for the entire day. Pretty bored 'cos I've watched all the same performances on and on but it was still better than staying in class listening to some sorts of craps.
School matinee was on Friday evening and school charity concert was on Saturday night. Basically school matinee was the same as school charity concert but the ticket for school matinee was only available for Sri KL students and also with cheaper price. I wasn't feeling nervous like the form ones. They were practically shivering on stage, haha. Anyway, school matinee and school charity concert were equally good and the finale for the school charity concert was simply memorable. I'm proud to be involved in the concerts and I definitely have no regrets joining the ensemble even though earlier, I expected more. I've made new friends from choir too!
Also, I've got to watch talented people performing with superb songs like Kelly who performed Storm by Vanessa-Mae (original version was 'Summer' by Vivaldi). In one word I can describe her ability, amazing. Next, Kenric performed Phantom of the opera remix and he also played accompaniments for bands, choir and so forth. Well, he IS talented like music prodigy. Besides, Jim's singing performance (Amy Winehouse's Valerie) with 3 other adorable boys was my favourite of all the performances! It sure was an entertaining one but I find the girls walking here and there on stage (dancers, maybe?) were distracting, haha. I certainly hope to watch the entire concert again! Feeling a little regretful for not attending? Oh well, our concert for next year awaits you!
*School Matinee
Syona :) |
Indy the really adorable Year 7 boy :D ! |
Grace! Vice-president of school band. |
Camwhoring with Nicole and Ying in the make-up room. |
Kye Reen, another really friendly girl from ensemble! |
Here comes Mr. Jonathan! |
and... Ms. Anna! |
*School Charity Concert
Hafiza, my new senior friend! |
Celene the approachable one! |
Wee Kee, my standard 6 orchestra partner! |
Yaw Shyan the emo flute section leader. |
Left: Melissa sang 'When you believe' by Mariah Carey. She has an amazing voice. AMAZING. Right: Jim sang 'Why don't you come on over VALERIEEEEE' :D ! He should totally join American Idol. |
Peacock dance. |
Valerie. |
Sri KL's 'wildchild' -.- |
Collywoooooood!! |
Diabolo. |
Why this kolaveri di! |
The storm haunts you! |
Fantastic tango dance! |
Kenric performing Phantom! |
We are young! |
Chammak Challo - My current favourite INDIAN song. Can you believe it? |
you know,
I just wanna play well
and have fun playing well.