I'm digging things for me to post on my blog from my folders in the laptop. Ah finally, TALENTIME! How can I forget about this? It sure is a long-time-ago thing but it still remains fresh in my mind. KC's talentime was held in August. I performed for 2 bands, which are Cynorinx and Zenith. Cynorinx consists of 5 members, who are Alison, Karmen, Silvia, Hoi Shan and yours truly :) whereas Zenith consists of 5 members as well, Han Yin, Hao Ying, Yi Teng, Zhuan Yuan and yours truly once again :D . I practised more with Cynorinx in school 'cos Zenith was able to practise together in a music studio named Icons at 1Puchong.
Early in the morning on our big day, I was informed that we were not allowed to use the school's drum set for the competition, unless we could get another drum set besides the school's. Gawsh, you do not know how pissed all of us were. zYuan was the drummer and I was sure she couldn't be any more piss than we were. Plus, we practised so many times we were so steady that not a single mistake could be heard. This is why I always say, we can't rely on the school too much. 'Cos when they say something, we're helpless and hopeless. We can't do anything to object 'cos it's the power we're saying. They have the rights, they have the power, we only have the voice to convince. Yeap that's all. So at that time, no matter how much we begged, it was still hopeless. Later, I went to the office to find Ms.Yong. Earlier, she promised me that she would lend me guitar society's amplifier, but when I was there to get it, she told me ANOTHER teacher said it belongs to the society, not for outsiders' competitions. I wanted to yell so badly. The flame in me was so furious it was burning me. I immediately went to find TzuKuang with zYuan, hoping that his amplifier was with him and he would lend us his. Fortunately, issue closed *yay*. Then during the 2nd recess while I was practising with Zenith , one of the guitar strings snapped! BOOM I wanted to smash the guitar but it was HanYin's. Gillian brought me to see TzuKuang, again, and ahh, he said he could lend us his guitar. 2nd issue closed.
Before school was dismissed, all participants were allowed to leave the class earlier so we could change into our outfits and make a perfectly thorough preparation. We were all anxious and nervous. In short, Cynorinx and Zenith both performed like our normal practices. *I seriously do not want to say a thing about our performance 'cos it's simply heartbreaking*. Although both the teams did not win, I was sure we had fun on the stage. Looking back at the moments we've gone through, the practices, the worries, the fun and everything, it couldn't be any more memorable than an award right? So to both Cynorinx and Zenith members, I'm really really thankful to all of you and I appreciate each and every seconds we had. I hope there's a chance for us to perform together again! Bring it on!

Oh and, I'm back from Penang *okay awkward *! What is Penang? A PLACE WITH AUTHENTIC WONDERS OF FOOOOOOD. Oh yeahh, so right ;) . Haha. Nothing much about Penang since it's like our second home, haha. Alrighty, I've gotta go out soon. *Juppie, if you're reading this, I wanna let you know how desperate I am for Thursdays and Fridays!* Okie readers, that's all for today! Toodles ;) .

I've hurt myself
By hurting you.