Yay Today's Saturday! Holidays for three days are already good enough for us, students of independent school. I resent all the projects for making my life so miserable. Seriously, what's the use doing so many projects? I don't think they're useful. You tell me that they can make us more knowledgeable in those particular subjects? Then, you're wrong. What I did for my projects were copy, copy and more copy. So you wanna tell me that they're meaningful, no?
So, what are you gonna do in these 3 days of holidays? Screw up at home? Being a goody-good bookworm? I want my holidays to be useful 'cos my next holidays will be scheduled with all my revisions for the next school examination. I can't like, literally go out for 3 days in consecutive right? Well, Zyuan asked me out for a picnic. Frankly speaking, I haven't been for a picnic before ever since I was born. Epic much? I hated picnics. I will never accept others' invitations to me for picnics. Surprisingly for this time, I want to give it a try. I want to experience how it feels like. Also, we can have photoshoots there! Ya noe, the scenery, green grass, fresh air, EVERYTHING! :D and right after that, we'll be heading to Sunway Pyramid. Should I, or should I not? I'm not sure even my mum allows. But before that, I still have to ensure if I'm willing to go. Peeps, should I, or should I not!?
Went to Midvalley with a bunch of friends last last Sunday. It was to celebrate Tzarina's birthday. I bought her a tee which says 'Justin Bieber, marry me!' . Yes, she is a huge belieber. As in an extremely loyal belieber. Every single status of hers in facebooks is about JB and without JB, it's like a knife stabs onto her heart merciless. Not exaggerating alright. Okay back to the topic. Dressed up, daddy fetched me to Midvalley. At first, I was like 'Shyt, I'm so gonna be killed. I'm late!!' . When I was there already, solely Nini and Tzar (she was thoroughly black) were there. We initially wanted to spend around 2 hours in Redbox before our movie, but it was hell closed Urgh. Sad case.
Tzar was wearing her Charles & Keith high heels. We called her a model 'cos she was walking like models (definition of model-walking: butt shakes from right to the left, and then from right to the left, and it goes on and on in the same manner). Coincidentally, there was a fashion show organized by Padini, and there was a huge stage, so we kinda like teased her, 'OMG there's even a stage prepared for ya! Birthday girl!' . We went to Starbucks and I ordered a slice of marble cheese cake. Was famished by that time since I only munched on a plain white bread in the morning. Later, everyone arrived.
Zi Ee said that Mei Xian was going to be watching Justin Bieber: Never Say Never in 3D at the same time, in the same cinema as us. She was dating her boyfriend, precisely. So we were like 'Shall we set up a KCN meeting already?' LOL we shan't, guys. So at 1 sharp, we headed to the cinema and waited for them to buy some snacks. While we were waiting for the movie to start, Charmaine was yelling 'No don't start DON'T!!' FYI, she is one of the anti-Bieber's :D . The movie ended with JB's Never say never. I will have to honestly say that the movie wasn't really my cup of tea. MJ's This is it is still forever and always Top 1 in my list. The movie was, a little boring, but also kinda intriguing in certain scenes. JB's laughter is cute, just only noticed that. We felt like as if we were refrigerated. It was with no doubt, freezing cold. Gawsh, thank god we did not sacrifice our lives in it.
After the movie, our God of Food, Zi Ee, brought us to Yogitree which is situated in The Gardens. I ordered Portobello Herbs Pasta with Mushrooms. It sucked IT SUCKED!! 'Are you enjoying yourself, Emily?' Zi Ee asked. I gave him a disgusted face and then he exchanged his Morning Set with mine. Phew, my life saviour. He helped us to order macarons. I bought 10 macarons! Macarons are so heavenly, oh macarons oh macarons :D ! Ordered another marble cheese cake there again.
Later, we took the cab and went to Timesquare. We got Tzar a pair of Supra (Just so you don't know, it's a pair of shoes like JB's. Google it for more info). She kept thanking us with FULL gratitude. She kept hugging us and thanking us. It was her dream to own a pair of Supra. Zhi Wen kept teasing 'Supra is Super Bra! Let's buy her a super bra!' LOL that was hilarious.
Had a real fun day with them. I'm starting to realize how vital friends are in life. Some issues happened and made me appreciate friendships even more. I pity those who love being a loner and refuse to mix with more people, you know, those anti-socials. With friends, there are no spaces of emptiness :) . Concur?
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Sometimes, I would sit on the bench outside, and allow the ray of the sun above to burn me; I would allow the tears to trickle hysterically; I would allow the wind to pass through my hair gently...
Have you ever wondered, what will the world revolve into if there is no 'sometimes'? Will everything be forever and ever, with no sometimes? This question has been pondering in my mind since I comprehended the chaos on earth, in humanity, among the citizens, all over the place.
With sometimes, you would try your very utmost to hail something you dislike, something you loathe, something you never wanted or yearned for.
Sometimes, life would be cliche expected. Never so surprising yet boring.
Sometimes, I would think over the past I've put myself through. All the bittersweets, which still refused to quit. They built a harmony habitat in my heart, making a deep wound on it. The presence of them, made the reflection of me myself looked blue. The long lost smile, wrinkled cheeks, were somehow missed. They were with no doubt, mesmerizing, intoxicating...
What am I illogically thinking? A time travel? Is there any necessity for me to rewind everything? Is 'let bygone be bygones' true? I just failed to erase every bits of annoyance and torment. They were left in the bin, but never taken away.
Who knows. Someday, Monday would come after Saturday, but not Sunday; Thursday would be before Friday, but not Wednesday. Sometimes, awkward things do happen in life, we just have to try to end the hide-and-seek game.
Sometimes, I would ask myself, what will life be, when our life's got no suspensions, climax, like the ornamented musics?
This may sound complicated, but can I ask you once more...
What if, there is no 'sometimes'?

Have you ever wondered, what will the world revolve into if there is no 'sometimes'? Will everything be forever and ever, with no sometimes? This question has been pondering in my mind since I comprehended the chaos on earth, in humanity, among the citizens, all over the place.
With sometimes, you would try your very utmost to hail something you dislike, something you loathe, something you never wanted or yearned for.
Sometimes, life would be cliche expected. Never so surprising yet boring.
Sometimes, I would think over the past I've put myself through. All the bittersweets, which still refused to quit. They built a harmony habitat in my heart, making a deep wound on it. The presence of them, made the reflection of me myself looked blue. The long lost smile, wrinkled cheeks, were somehow missed. They were with no doubt, mesmerizing, intoxicating...
What am I illogically thinking? A time travel? Is there any necessity for me to rewind everything? Is 'let bygone be bygones' true? I just failed to erase every bits of annoyance and torment. They were left in the bin, but never taken away.
Who knows. Someday, Monday would come after Saturday, but not Sunday; Thursday would be before Friday, but not Wednesday. Sometimes, awkward things do happen in life, we just have to try to end the hide-and-seek game.
Sometimes, I would ask myself, what will life be, when our life's got no suspensions, climax, like the ornamented musics?
This may sound complicated, but can I ask you once more...
What if, there is no 'sometimes'?

sometimes is never sometimes...
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunshine can no longer be seen. The clouds look like they are darting all over the place. They can't stop, they don't want to. Sparkling stars are all messily scattered. They sparkle like as if they want to move, they want to be freed, but they can't, they have no choice nor any rights to make decisions. The birds are afraid of the dark, they flew without chirpping like their daily routine in the noon. The route is never so quiet, so peaceful, so warm.
I, am standing over here, looking at all God's creations. Why were we created?
We are here, to continue life. We are here, to achieve our goals, with determination and adamant. We end everything to a fare-thee-well. We face the impossibles, we challenge them, we fight for what we should have. We don't escape from them, we don't shirk them, we were born for we have the liberty to fight for it.
Why were human creations born to be emotional? Why? In every second that passes with every tick-tocks, our nerve impulses different kinds of sensations straight to our brain. Our brain interprets them and tells us how we should respond. A person with no emotions, they don't smile, they don't cry, they don't laugh, they don't frown, they don't smirk, they're flat emotionless. You want to be like them too?
Why were we born?
Or to be more precise, why were we literally created?
Why do we have to be here?
Were there ever two lanes of options which asked you, do you want to be on planet earth?
Why were things covered with colours? Why not just leave them colourless?
Life has too many Why's. I just want someone or something to answer all my questions. WHY am I typing this right now?
Thou shalt not doubt, we were born to be asked and to be told.

I, am standing over here, looking at all God's creations. Why were we created?
We are here, to continue life. We are here, to achieve our goals, with determination and adamant. We end everything to a fare-thee-well. We face the impossibles, we challenge them, we fight for what we should have. We don't escape from them, we don't shirk them, we were born for we have the liberty to fight for it.
Why were human creations born to be emotional? Why? In every second that passes with every tick-tocks, our nerve impulses different kinds of sensations straight to our brain. Our brain interprets them and tells us how we should respond. A person with no emotions, they don't smile, they don't cry, they don't laugh, they don't frown, they don't smirk, they're flat emotionless. You want to be like them too?
Why were we born?
Or to be more precise, why were we literally created?
Why do we have to be here?
Were there ever two lanes of options which asked you, do you want to be on planet earth?
Why were things covered with colours? Why not just leave them colourless?
Life has too many Why's. I just want someone or something to answer all my questions. WHY am I typing this right now?
Thou shalt not doubt, we were born to be asked and to be told.

No you don't get me,
The point is,
Why am I here?
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Happy Monday readers! I'm uber free now, so I've decided to blog. I'm really addicted to Sam Tsui's songs right now. He's got a lot of mashups and accapella. They're all so awesome I can't resist not to listen every day! Especially the duet he did together with Christina Grimmie -- Just a dream originally by Nelly. I replayed it profusely for more than 10 times consecutively. Search 'Just a dream - Sam Tsui '. You'll fall in love with it just like me :) . Not to forget, my most beloved Mike Tomkins! Man, he has a darn muti-functional mouth! He can produce songs just with his mouth. He can do the beatboxes, drum rolls, snares and a lot more sound effects. He does accapellas perfectly. Do youtube him too!
I'm superbly relieved that I can talk properly right now. Guys, I've got 12 ulcers in my mouth last week! How was it? Shocking enough? It's utterly true. My braces kept rubbing my gum, so ulcers sorta 'evoluted' in my mouth. I couldn't eat anything but porridge. You will never understand how much pain I've suffered through the days with 12 ulcers. I was like an emo kid in school. I didn't know attaching braces would make me suffer so much! - the pain is still hovering in my mind!! (shake head shake head) - My friends recommended Bonjela to me but it wasn't working at all. In the end, I actually took up my courage and tried guggling salt water. It wasn't painful at all, fortunately. Now I get why my friends said having braces are tiresome. It was nothing to me at first. But well, I've gone through the pain, so hopefully I won't be having any 'evolution of ulcers' in my mouth again!
I just got the school's Chinese magazine (which is named as 'Shi Sui'). The pictures, layouts, cover, theme, they're all perfect. But one thing is that the articles are so boring nobody even gave a damn to it. They don't have any factual articles. They're mostly poems or emo articles. I merely flipped through just to check out their pictures and layouts. Still, KCN is much better than 'Shi Sui', eventhough our school focuses more on 'Shi Sui'. I was reading back my previous posts just now. Read through a few of my posts which I virtually said how much I hated KCN. I think KCN isn't that bad afterall. In fact, I think it's fun and we can show our articles in public but not keeping them to ourselves, just like what Beatrice said. KCN is like a family, a big family, a warm family. I just don't get why I loathed it so much last year.
Went to DBKL for the Sejarah Project risalah last last week. DBKL is lousy. We got served real badly by the people in-charge over there. The talk should have started at 3 but the Malays got there after an hour. Seriously, what is wrong with them? It was heating inside. Plus, the weather these days are terrible to the max. They came in and told us they had some technical problems. Gawd knows if they were trying to save the electricity or they're just too lazy to even switch on the AC button. Yea, this is Malaysia. Wawasan 2020 is crap.
I'm superbly relieved that I can talk properly right now. Guys, I've got 12 ulcers in my mouth last week! How was it? Shocking enough? It's utterly true. My braces kept rubbing my gum, so ulcers sorta 'evoluted' in my mouth. I couldn't eat anything but porridge. You will never understand how much pain I've suffered through the days with 12 ulcers. I was like an emo kid in school. I didn't know attaching braces would make me suffer so much! - the pain is still hovering in my mind!! (shake head shake head) - My friends recommended Bonjela to me but it wasn't working at all. In the end, I actually took up my courage and tried guggling salt water. It wasn't painful at all, fortunately. Now I get why my friends said having braces are tiresome. It was nothing to me at first. But well, I've gone through the pain, so hopefully I won't be having any 'evolution of ulcers' in my mouth again!
I just got the school's Chinese magazine (which is named as 'Shi Sui'). The pictures, layouts, cover, theme, they're all perfect. But one thing is that the articles are so boring nobody even gave a damn to it. They don't have any factual articles. They're mostly poems or emo articles. I merely flipped through just to check out their pictures and layouts. Still, KCN is much better than 'Shi Sui', eventhough our school focuses more on 'Shi Sui'. I was reading back my previous posts just now. Read through a few of my posts which I virtually said how much I hated KCN. I think KCN isn't that bad afterall. In fact, I think it's fun and we can show our articles in public but not keeping them to ourselves, just like what Beatrice said. KCN is like a family, a big family, a warm family. I just don't get why I loathed it so much last year.
Went to DBKL for the Sejarah Project risalah last last week. DBKL is lousy. We got served real badly by the people in-charge over there. The talk should have started at 3 but the Malays got there after an hour. Seriously, what is wrong with them? It was heating inside. Plus, the weather these days are terrible to the max. They came in and told us they had some technical problems. Gawd knows if they were trying to save the electricity or they're just too lazy to even switch on the AC button. Yea, this is Malaysia. Wawasan 2020 is crap.
You abused your power.
You will never change and you'll remain being this way forever.
I hope the gossips are just scandals.
You will never be my top priority.
Despite the fact that I'm yours.
I don't mind what you've done to me.
Do as you please.
This is over.
Where there is hope, there is life :)
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