I sort of banned myself from using the laptop so that I don't get too distracted 'cos I wake up every day right next to it. However, I figured Friday night should be my laptop night so that my blog wouldn't get too dead. Not for the sake of getting more readers though but blogging as a part of my life is actually because that I love reading back my archives and I never want anything that is happening to me to be forgotten in the future. My mom always says I think too much about crappy and unnecessary things about my future and heh, she got me right. I can literally foresee my kids reading my blog, the blog that I started when I was form 1 (technically I started blogging when I was standard 3 but I deleted all the entries 'cos I thought they were simply absurd but boy would I know how much I regretted doing that!).
Last Saturday night, my mom spontaneously asked if we wanted to watch GeMeiLia. Not a very well-known movie but definitely reminded me a lot about the days in Chinese primary school. Every single Chinese school students know perfectly how we felt every time the book came to our hands. It was golden, sounds like I'm exaggerating but I'm sure you see eye to eye with me if you come from a Chinese school too. I remember how the teachers always had to warn us that she would confiscate the newly-distributed GeMeiLia comics everytime we got it 'cos most of the time we would be giving them heads down being totally ignorant to their teaching but hey, the comics were seriously that addictive (not the current ones though. The author must have gotten out of ideas or something, no offence). I read it somewhere from the newspapers last year that there would be a movie for it and omg I was so elated! Surprisingly I didn't really look forward to it when they started showing the posters in cinemas, I think I'm growing up for real HAHA. So this time, my MOM was the one who was desperate to watch it (all moms who send their kids to Chinese primary schools know about GeMeiLia 'cos their kids never fail to nag them to subscribe for more and more issues. It's sort of an annual thing, hah!) even though ze sister, daddy and I didn't give her a very keen response. Eventually I thought we should just give her a chance 'cos she doesn't usually go to cinemas (but everytime she does she chooses the lamest movies ever!). Didn't put much expectations to it and when it started with a kiddy theme song, ze sister and I were like 'homg I can't believe we're watching this'. Yes, never EVER judge a book by its cover. The movie was astonishingly amazing and the humor was between the rating of lame and hilarious. I usually don't favour local movies 'cos I find their acting pretty bad but considering this movie consists of quite a number of children actors and actresses, they were pretty good and I think they deserve a thumbs-up! I didn't know I could get so entertained but I really did! Also, I felt that everyone who was watching it come from the same tree, like we're the spores of the same kind! Haha, but yea, GeMeiLia is definitely a Chinese primary school thing and I'm glad they have successfully made it into a movie, bringing back the grown ups back to primary school! Go watch it, never knew it would be so good. When we were heading out, the positive feedback that I heard from everywhere around me was unbelievable!
Oh and, before we went for the movie, we had Vietnamese dinner and it was quite disappointing. I suppose the foods weren't that bad but I expected more since the foods in the menu looked almost just the same as the ones that we had in Australia, the Vietnamese restaurant that you must make reservations weeks before! The standard was a big leap and the service was pretty bad too. Haha, oh well, at least I was quite satisfied with my lemongrass chicken chop rice! 2.5/5 jeng jeng jeng.
This week has been a productive week. Set a target earlier to finish up Physics form 4 and I managed to start form 5 today! Was so proud of myself 'cos I have this sudden motivation boost in me as friends around me are sitting for trials already and that I feel god damn unprepared. So, so far I've only completed Chemistry form 4, Physics form 4 and Chinese MingJu form 5. Still SO SO MUCH left to cover up but I feel that it wasn't so bad that I've completed all these just in 2 weeks time, yayzers!
On Thursday, I skipped school with YingHui for a study date in Taylor's Lakeside library. After a long analysis with her, we have come to a conclusion that Thursday is the best day to skip 'cos basically we do nothing on Thursdays (ok same goes to any other days but Thursday is as bad as getting rotten up in school, no joke). It was my first time in Lakeside and it was omg beautiful! I got superbly in love with the environment and also momentarily I felt like I was a uni student heh :) . The 5-floor library was so well equipped and man, I really got my head dug into my supposedly boring books 'cos it was comfortably silent, and of course, YingHui as a company was great with her wisdom and knowledge haha, she helped me a lot and I'm so thankful for that! For lunch, we walked around and I was amazed by how many restaurants they offer there! We ended up eating in Backofen which was highly recommended by her mom. The foods already looked crazily awesome in the menu. Hence, my huge dilemma in getting this or that :/ . I ended up ordering mushroom toast and okay, by looking at the picture below you would say something like what YingHui said, 'That's a bit sad right'. But IT TASTED SO HEAVENLY I almost teared up haha. And trust me, the portion looked small but it was just the right portion to fill up my tummy, JUST RIGHT! For desserts, we ordered blueberry crumble and oreo cheesecake. Too satisfying we couldn't continue studying after that because we were pretty much bloated at that time HAH. All in all, it was a great day with her and that I was plain glad I skipped school 'cos I managed to accomplish my plan! I'll be doing that next week again. Hmmmmm, think about the foods :D !

Saw a stitch that someone sketched on the table in Chemistry lab and
we made Ryan challenge him by drawing a lilo next to it.
Tell me who wins!
Asked my transporter to drop me at Pacific Coffee right after school today
and was alone for the entire afternoon
but the peace was the power that got me finish the entire Physics form 4!
Had chicken pie and Hazelnut cappuccino. Perfect ambiance, perfect music, perfect munch-ons.
Also, daddy decided to accompany me after work too!
Day by day I get a little more desperate to owning Sam Tsui's Make It Up album.
I'm dehydrating :( .
Geeky look just now during mua lonely study session ;) .
There's nothing left of you to remind me
But somehow you're still standing behind me
I'm trying hard to forget you
But my empty walls won't let me let you go